13 | a deeply erotic rendezvous

Start from the beginning

Billy Russo, a.k.a Jigsaw. Growing up as quite the charmer and quite the ladies man, William Russo was a hit man working within the mafia. Apparently The Punisher threw him through a glass window during an altercation and miraculously survived. Billy ended up with several deep slashes to his face in which he sewed up himself, then resulting in his scars looking like jigsaw pieces; hence the nickname.

Trevor Slattery, a.k.a The Mandarin. Well, I guess he wasn't really The Mandarin because he was just a paid actor portraying the terrorist group on behalf of Aldrich Killian. He's a wildly eccentric man who never quite gets to the point whenever a camera is directed on him. I remember watching the news broadcasts showing his departure from New York to The Raft and he was somewhere in a world of his own the entire time - completely delusional. Poor guy.

Crimson Cowl, a.k.a Justine Hammer. Daughter of disgraced weapons engineer Justin Hammer, formed a criminal group called the Masters of Evil - which I personally think is a laughably dumb name for a super villain group. They wreaked some havoc and had the Avengers take her down but that's about it. She doesn't have any super human powers either, she's just a fucking bitch with a shit tonne of inheritance money and a shit tonne of daddy issues.

Dr. Michael Morbius, a.k.a Morbius, obviously. After suffering for a rare blood disease, good ol' doc decided to try and save himself using vampire bat DNA. And we all know that when you try and fix yourself with homemade chemicals it always works right? Shall we ask the Lizard? Doc Ock? You can guess how it turned out, he turned into some sort of living vampire and needed to quench his thirst for blood or whatever. Honestly, I didn't really pay too much attention to his pasty white ass because he was in San Francisco and that news belonged to the West Coast papers.

Felicia Hardy, a.k.a Black Cat, also a dumb name. After supposedly planning on killing a man who tried to sexually assault her at a college party, Felicia decided to train in various martial arts styles and acrobatics to kill him. And then he died in a car crash so she never got to kill him. Yes, acrobatics... Why acrobatics and becoming a murderer have some sort of connection, I have no fucking idea. So basically she got mad she never got to kill him and then she became a world renowned con artist and burglar. Again, I'd love to know her thought process here. She ended up getting genetically mutated with powers and the rest was history; she became an infamous villain.

As I got outside of Adrian's cell I saw him sitting at a small desk with one leg crossed over the other whilst chewing on the end of a pen. I sat on the small plastic chair placed in front of the glass for me and cleared my throat, although he didn't hear me. The newspaper he had resting on his knee was flapping quietly whilst he bounced his foot and he jumped when I finally knocked on the glass to get his attention.

"Miss L/N, what a pleasure it is to be granted the company of a guest," he smiled, putting down the folded newspaper to reveal a half done crossword puzzle with little scribbly drawings along the edges.

"Sorry to interrupt your crossword," I smiled softly.

"Don't apologise, I've got all the time in the world. There's a new crossword every day, don't you worry about that," he smiled, standing from his chair and dragging it closer towards the glass to sit with me.

The sound of the plastic legs creating friction against the floor echoed through his room as he maintained eye contact with me, a power play tactic for sure. Despite being behind a solid glass wall, I could still hear him clearly - the wonders of technology I guess.

"I presume you were briefed on the subject matter today?" I asked in a professional tone, not knowing how relaxed I could be with him yet.

"You wanted me to tell you about my run ins with Spider-Man correct? Well I'm sorry Miss L/N but like I've told every other agent who's come waltzing on down here, I never saw him under the mask," he sighed apologetically.

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