it's only been a week

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It had been a week since my transfer I've settled in well and befriended him Nick Nelson sometime though I do wish we could be more I was meeting with Elle and her friend today at the milkshake farm after school it was fourth lesson I was thinking about him again my thoughts were disrupted as the bell rang it was different from higgs much louder well higgs wasn't full of screaming boys so I see why I went to lunch and sat on a table outside the benches showed most of the field nobody really went there I sat down and checked the charge on my headphones I was making sure that I won't have to be all embarrassed like that I was daydreaming until a man with a hat placed two Apple juices on the table Elle was following behind I looked up and said "hello" I didn't really know this guy was he that Tao guy he seemed friendly Elle sat down and asked me what happened today I began thinking hard what did happen "well I was in English first lesson and Mrs Waythicles kept having the person next to me Troy nudging me " Elle sighed"day dreaming as alway I assume" I chuckled "yeah I got this person on my mind" Elle gasped "OmG who is it" she looked back at me to see me watching nick "nick nelson he's like a Rugby lad" "One Of Da BoIs" Elle's friend butted in I frowned at him a boy about my height then walked over he was a year below me a familiar boy I then realized it was the new boy nextdoor Tori's brother "hello charlie is it" he looked at me and responded with a quiet tone "yes" he sat down next to Tao we exchanged no words most of lunch I have to be honest I was too scared too the bell then rang it sounded like a screeching baby I will never get over how annoying that bell is I checked my planner I had art with a teacher I had never met Elle was behind me "OoO lucky Mr Ajayi he's a nice guy I'm sure you'll like him" I started wall to art my headphones still in until that weirdo snatched my phone out my hand I remembered his name "Piss of Harry" him and his mates were laughing nick appeared behind him "just give them back Harry" harry looked stunned "what we're just having a laugh it's a bit of banter I'm sure new girl knows that" I just took my phone and walked away I thought I was going to cry I hated him he was so annoying I found my way too art I met eyes with the teacher it was probably obvious I've been crying I got on with the lesson though I have always liked art I was drawing until someone sat next to me it was one of nicks mates I didn't talk to him l don't like the rugby lads we were about half way through the lesson and he taps my shoulders "I'm sorry about Harry" he passed me my headphones "you dropped these when you were walking away" I thanked him and turned away I went back to drawing I lost focus for a while though I sat there staring into oblivion I was dragged back into reality as the annoying bell ran again despite over the bell I was still able to hear Mr Ajayi ask me to stay behind I took a while for everyone to leave alot of people were staring at me I heard the muttering"OOo new girls in trouble" or "she looks like she's been crying wimp" a shook my head a pretended not to hear what they were saying everyone left and Mr Ajayi walked up to me "y/n I saw what happened though the window Harry wasn't bothering you too much was he he has a reputation of bullying" I shook my head he looked at me "are you sure there are no other bullies I have to sort out I was told to keep an eye on you from your mother becuase of the bullying you went through at Higgs" I sighed and stood up kicking my chair "look I told you I'm fine leave me alone" I walked off realizing I had left my guitar in music I enjoyed playing the bass guitar I walked in to see a boy sitting next to Charlie while he was playing drums I grabbed my guitar after locking eyes with the boy I scurried of eye contact is my least favorite thing i waited in the bus stop charlie was next to me the bus finally arrived it was empty becuase everyone had taken the bus earlier I sat at the back and charlie joined me "please don't tell anyone about the boy you saw in music" I nodded and took out my guitar someone had been messing around with it because it was now out of tune I began plucking at the strings and turning the tuning pegs to check if it was in tune I started playing charlie looked impressed "wow your really good at that" I smiled and thanked him I put my guitar back and placed it down I took my headphones out my bag and becuase they were wireless I offered one to Charlie he took it acceptingly and he asked if he could pick a song he looked at my playlist and picked we fell in love in October the bus then stopped he gave me back my headphone and we both entered our house my mother looked at me "I told you he was a nice boy" I put my bag down "yeah he is" I turned on my phone to see I've been added to a group chat I turned it on Elle had added me I had received three friend requests from "Issac" "charlie" and "tao" I accepted them and received a message from the group chat

Tao:film night and sleepovers at my house😈

Elle:okay I'll bring snacks who else is coming

Issac: I'll check to see if I can make it

Charlie:my mum said I can but she is gonna send my dad to check if I'm here and not sneaking off🥲

Elle:what about you y/n

I started worrying what if they make fun of me or get bored of me I got rid of those bad thoughts

Y/n:sure I'll bring drinks

Elle: don't let Tao have an energy drink last time he was bouncing of the walls 😂

Charlie:my mum would literally end me if she saw me drinks them

Y/n:more for me then i might be late on my way to the shop

Tao:okay so my house at 6:30 I live at *********** by the way y/n

Y/n:okay thanks

I began walking to the shop I picked up three monster Dr pepper and as a joke I grabbed fruit shoots and Capri sun for the "kids" I knocked on the door and Taos mum opened the door rather enthusiastic Tao ran down stairs I don't think I've ever seen him without his hat he told me to follow him so I did charlie and Elle were on his bed we were just waiting on Issac I put the bag down "I grabbed some drinks for you kids" as I took them out Tao didn't look as angry as I wanted him to be "YAY" he yelled "I LOVE CAPRI SUNS" I started laughing Elle was definitely holding back a laugh "do you want to pick the film y/n considering it's your first movie night with us" Tao said but quickly after he said "but no marvel films I used a sassy tone "Whaaat how can you not like marvel" Tao jumped up "how could you" we ended up watching big hero six when aunt Cass shown on screen I said "milf" Tao almost spat out his Capri sun Tao and Elle fell asleep Elle was next to Tao so they were basically cuddling me and charlie looked at each other approvingly after then going to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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