Chapter II - On A Rainy Afternoon

Start from the beginning

Angelo clenched his left fist and bumped it on his right palm.

"Yes. I'm with you with that one." Angelo said.

Erwin chuckled after hearing the Vogel twins' conversations, even when the two always bickers, there's also a lot of times that they get along, for example, when it comes to being stupid. The twins are always in sync.

Angelo and Raoul were surprised when they saw their three friends.

"Eh? What are you three doing here?" Angelo asked.

He'a holding a basket covered with a cute pink cloth that has teddy bears paterns on it. "It smells good." Erwin said after smelling a sweet scent on the brown basket Angelo's holding.

Raoul smiled, he removed the cloth cover of the basket and it showed lots and full of baked sweet pastries.

"The reason why Y/n came here is to deliver these things...she made all of this." Raoul said. The young man took one cinnamon roll and dramatically ate it, as if he's on an adverstisement.

Angelo lend the basket towards their friends. "You guys can have some."

"Nice." Nile said, smiling.

Nile took an egg pie while Mike took a blueberry tart, Angelo took a muffin.

Erwin puckered his lips a little whilst he stares at the baked sweet pastries. It's beautiful in his eyes, and it smells so good, which makes him go hungry.

These are all well-prepared...I'm surprised that a kid can do all of this. Erwin thought.

He raised a brow when he noticed some cookies shaped into teddy bears, a small chuckle came out from Erwin's lips, he picked one then ate it.

"Hmm..." Erwin hummed as he chew on the cookie, also nodding his head.

"Tasty, right? Told ya, our twerp is talented!" Raoul proudly said.

Erwin smiled and nod his head, he took more cookies and enjoyed it by himself. He laughed when he saw a milk flavored muffin and on top of it there's a cute smiley face. "Cute." Erwin also took the muffin and ate it.

Until they arrived outside, Erwin doesn't know how many of Y/n's pastries he ate. He genuinely loved it.

"I think I just developed a sweet tooth." Erwin muttered after eating a choco biscuit with meringue on top.


(5 days later)

Erwin let out a heavy sigh, he wiped his sweat then put his hands on his waist, he chuckled when Nile who he had just knocked down on the sandy ground, struggled to get back up.

"Damn you, back hurts." Nile said.

Erwin offered a hand to Nile, the dark-haired guy accepted his hand and Erwin helped Nile to stand up.

"You'll be fine." Erwin said.

Nile frowned and shook his head, he cleaned off the dirt on his uniform, while Erwin roams his eyes around.

He smirked when he saw the Vogel twins were both brought down to the ground by Mike. "Man...Mike will surely be the top of our class. And he's also good at vertical maneuvering." Nile said, now he's fixing his hair.

Erwin nod in agreement. "He's the strongest in our batch. It won't be a surprise if he really graduates as the top one of our batch." Erwin said.

The blond-guy removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt up until to his elbows. Erwin unbuttoned two of his shirt's button to be more comfortable. "How about you? What do you think your top will be?" Nile asked. Erwin shrugged his shoulders.

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