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1814 — LONDON.

JOSEPHINE SINCLAIR THOUGHT SHE might burst into flames. The colour red had never suited her — not even in the form of a blush. In fact, nothing that she was wearing suited her.

"I look like a parrot," Josie confessed. "And that is an insult to the bird."

"I do not know what a parrot is," said Clara, wrapping an arm around the younger woman with a positive smile. "What I do know is that you look truly beautiful, Josie."

At that, Josie let out a small laugh, finding the words nothing more than a kindness. The white cream of her dress was not her style nor were the melodramatic feathers that pointed upward while being clipped in her hair. Seeing her reflection, Josie longed to escape the prison of London again before she was forced to make her debut.

"This is not me, Clara," Josie protested again. "I should be planning my journey to the other side of the world — not this."

Or, perhaps, be back under the sun of Greece for the warmer months. Though, thinking of that, came with memories that caused Josie's cheeks to brighten once again. Nothing happened in Greece, she reminded herself.

After all, Josie was now here in London.

And Colin had remained in Greece, where he should be.

"Perhaps you will find a husband who loves to travel too," Clara told her. "Love does not have to change who you are, Josie."

"But I don't want a husband yet," Josie argued quietly, knowing it was an argument that she was continuously losing.

"You might change your mind if you find someone you love," Clara said.

Josie, however, knew that even being in love had not changed her mind; falling in love had simply made her never want to experience an emotion like that again.

"Come on," Clara encouraged. "You will see that it is not so bad."

"I can think of nothing worse than falling in love," Josie said.

In fact, Josie would rather be stuck on a boat in a thunderstorm with Colin Bridgerton than face the London social season. Though, thinking about him reminded Josie of the long last month in Greece.

"There you go," said Clara, beaming with joy. "A smile changes everything."

But the words only caused Josie to scowl again.

Not wanting to sour Josie's mood any further, the viscountess of the Sinclair household took Josie's gloved hands, guiding her towards the exit of Josie's bedroom. Knowing her family was on the other end made Josie's stomach tighten into a knot.

Clara paused, turning to Josie with a look of pride. Her fingers reached up, tucking a loose blonde curl behind Josie's ear as Josie wondered if her mother would have done the same if she was here.

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