Chapter 15 - Then We'll Crash, Crash, Right Down Again

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With a sigh, I picked her up again and carried her back to my room, setting her underneath the covers of my bed. I pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead, smoothing back her hair. She lay their motionless on her side, eyes staring vacantly at the wall behind me. I ground my jaw as I took in her small and defeated appearance, hating that she had been reduced to this.

"Babe, I'll be back, okay? I've got a few things to take care of." I whispered to her, trying to catch her attention. When no reply came, I sighed and stood up off the bed. I went into the bathroom and removed any blades or scissors and did the same in the kitchen, hiding them so that Amanda couldn't find and hurt herself with them.

As an afterthought, I dialed Niall with hasty fingers. His think Irish accent echoed over the phone only seconds after I had dialed. "Ye Zayn? What's up?" I sat on the couch and pulled on my boots one at a time whilst holding the phone between my shoulder and ear. "Hey Ni, I was wondering if you could come over and look after Amanda? Like, now? Something's happened and I need to take care of it." I stood and grabbed my leather jacket off the back of the couch and made my way over to the front door.

"Okay mate. Just for you. I'll be over in 5." He replied in a worried tone. "Alright. Let yourself in yeah, I won't be there." I hung up and hastily left the house, hopping into my car and pulling out of my driveway in a matter of seconds. Harry had no idea what was coming for him.

Harry's Perspective

I scrounged around in my cupboards for anything edible, but I found with great disappointment that I had cleaned all food I owned. With a grumble, I left the kitchen with its open cupboard doors and sauntered back to the couch, plonking down and kicking back in front of the tv.

I had been hoping for some news about Amanda and Zayn, wanting to know if either of them had understood what I had been trying to tell them, but I hadn't heard a word. So my empty stomach coupled with my anger over my warning falling on deaf ears really put me foul mood.

A hard knock at my door pulled me out of my daydream and in anger I yelled out. "It's open!" Suddenly the door flew open and a pissed looking Zayn stormed into my house. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU THINK YOU WERE PULLING STYLES?!" He screamed, face red as he neared me.

I shot up off the couch and ran around the other side so that it was between us. "I was PROTECTING you!" I yelled back, trying to hide my grin. My plan had worked, she had left. "NO YOU FUCKING WEREN'T! YOU WERE PROTECTING YOURSELF! YOU REALLY HURT HER HARRY, HOW COULD YOU?!" The pain was so raw in Zayn's eyes, making me wonder what had happened.

I held my hands up in surrender, trying to calm him. "Zayn, you know why I did it, it was to protect us before we were ruined. Think of it as a favour, I really saved you." I spoke slowly, flashing my palms. Zayn suddenly lurched forward and had my shoulders in his clasp, slowly gripping tighter and bringing me excruciating pain.

"Do you know what you DID to her? She believed you. She believed that she wasn't good enough. She shredded her wrists Harry, she is fucking lost. She couldn't see, she was GONE! She's probably laying in my bed in the exact same position that I left her in. Look what your 'protection' did to an innocent girl." He growled, breath hot against my face.

"I-I didn't mean for her to react that way. I swear, I was just trying to prot-" I was cut off my Zayn roughly shoving my backwards. "WELL YOU DIDN'T PROTECT ME! YOU HURT ME! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS. I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT YOU."

His eyes were wild as he stalked me, backing me slowly into the corner of my room, leaving me trapped. His hands grasped the front of my grey shirt and pulled me down so that I was level with his eyes and so I could see his pain and anger. "I can't believe I thought you as my best friend, Harry. Screw you." He whispered with dark eyes.

His fingers released my shirt and I watched in shock as he left my apartment from the still open door. I watched one of my best friends leave me and all because I had hurt him. What had I just done?

Niall's Perspective

The lock on the front door clicked and a disheveled-looking Zayn walked into the house, softly closing the door behind him. He dragged himself into the living room where I was sitting and sunk into the couch. His hands went to his hair as he raked and pulled at his almost black locks. "What's up Zayn?" I asked quietly, setting my phone aside.

He ignored my question and instead turned to look at his closed bedroom door where Amanda was sleeping on the other side. "Is she okay?" He asked quietly in a cracked voice. "She sleeping, she seems fine." I answered, trying to go back to my question. "Zayn, where did you go?" I tried again.

His dark eyes flitted over to me and his frown scared me slightly. But when he saw me, his frown softened and he let out a large sigh. "I went to...Harry's place." He replied, looking down at his shaking hands. "What did you do Zayn?" I asked slowly, worry creeping into my voice. His eyes snapped up again and he was suddenly on the defense. "I did nothing to him, I just showed him what his actions did. He deserved it, the worthless piece of shit." He bit, any kindness in his eyes having vanished.

"Zayn, he's your friend, he was obviously doing whatever it was to protect you." I reassured him. He shot up and was suddenly in my face. "He was NOT protecting me. He was hurting me, hurting HER!" He spoke through gritted teeth, pointing at the closed door. I gulped and tried to pull away from his fuming persona.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry I interfered, I don't know what went on." I explained wearily, rising from my seat. "I'm sorry Zayn." I tried, not wanting him to hate me too. He let out a huge sigh and his shoulders slumped, a look of defeat heavy on his features. "Thanks for looking after Amanda." He mumbled, hand scratching at the back of his neck.

I smiled and made my way over to the front door, reaching out to grab the handle. On second thought, I turned to look at the crumpled image of Zayn. "I moved the sharp stuff to the cupboard above the fridge, it was too easy to find." I explained in a careful tone, not wanting to set him off. He mumbled his thanks and looked down at his hands, looking completely lost. "See you Zayn." I mumbled, yanking the door open and leaving the house.

I had to go and talk to Harry. I had to find out what the hell had happened.



What's happening to Amanda? Can Zayn save her from her emotionless mind? Will One Direction break up?

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Give Me Love - A One Direction FanFiction (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora