Chapter 1: Fresh Start

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(First Person Pov)

A glass flew against the wall, shatters and shards sprinkled across (Y/N)'s face yet she didn't move an inch from her position as she peered at the person who was fuming disgusted with anger.

Love was just a dressed up way for saying lust. No one just happens to 'fall in love' with someone and be happy for the rest of their life with said person. Who believes in that crap!?

(Y/N) didn't.

She didn't think of such simple things like that. She was a woman with a meaning behind her name and love was certainly NOT it. People didn't just know of (Y/N). They KNEW her. This woman was known by many names and on the dark side of the streets, she was the most well known.

It didn't matter if you were a human or a robot, if you were into the fashion and liked a good, sexy show in one of the local bars, (Y/N)'s name was like an echo through a crowd...

In the city, people went about their everyday lives. Going to work and taking care of their responsibilities. You know, like an average person.

(Y/N) sighed with closed eyes as she brushed the glass from her covered shoulder. "You're overreacting... Again." "AGAIN!? I have every right to be mad!" Her present lover roared.

(Ex's name) picked up another glass as they looked at the calm woman with daggers. "You ALWAYS think you're better than me! All because you're some prissy little porn star!!"

"First of all." (Y/N) started with a raised finger. "I am not a porn star. I am a dancer, a singer, and of course a comedian-" "HA! You got the comedian part right!" (Ex's N) hissed as they threw another glass but (Y/N) quickly grabbed the flying glass from the air.

She let out another sigh as she placed the glass on the coffee table in front of her. "That's enough throwing. This hotel is going to lose it if you break another." "I don't care! You are scum! You treat me like some sort of dog, you never want to hang out and you are ALWAYS out late!"

(Ex's N) crossed their arms with a scoff and a narrowed gaze. "I bet you're cheating on me with someone else! Is that it!?" They shouted loudly, making (Y/N)'s interest peak.

"HA! I KNEW IT! You stupid whore! You thought you could hide something SO OBVIOUS from me!? Well guess what!? I breaking up with-"


The room went quiet while (Ex's N)'s eyes widened in horror. "You say I'm the one cheating? How about you explain that dumb bitch you've been seeing every Friday huh?"

(Y/N) stood from her seat and smirked, silently enjoying the terror in their lover's eyes. "And how you both French kiss in the Uber's vehicle every time you drive off? Or how you planned on going to Italy, running away together with my money; Hm..?~"

They cooed their words ever so sweetly as they walked over and wrapped their arms casually around (Ex's N)'s neck. "Hmm..?~ Answer me that darling." "H-How did you-" "I have eyes and ears everywhere darling!"

She shouted with a dark chuckle as she turned on her heel and walked over to the coffee table. She sat oh so elegantly on the cherry wood surface and crossed her legs in an alluring way, clearly enjoying the heated moment.

"Men, woman, human, or bot, with enough charm, they give you any information you desire!~" She laughed as she glared at her lover darkly. "And I have had several rat you out... Most I didn't even have to fuck!" She laughed hysterically.

Mind Control - (Gutsman x !Fem!Reader) Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now