6.Proposed 💘

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At evening 5:30
Miku was waiting in front of the cafe waiting for Sumedh so they both can go together.It has been 15 min Miku has been waiting for him but he didn't showed up.

Miku's pov
Argh....😬I didn't waited this much for someone he is my boss and he is very kind so I can't go from here also.Does he have manners how can he behave like this,he only called me here and now he is not coming😒Again 15 min passed but Sumedh didn't showed up.so I decided to leave as It was 6 in the evening and it's not safe out here.

Miku was going suddenly someone pulled her and turned her.she was about to scream then the person put his hand on her mouth

Sumi:shh....🤐it's me Sumedh
Miku:Oh....sorry I was really scared
Miku:By the way you told me to come at 5:30 and you are coming at 6?
Miku:It's ok sir
Sumi:No need to call me sir we are not in the office you can call me Sumedh
Miku:ok si...Sumedh😊
Sumi:So let's go for the coffee

They went to the cafe.

Miku's pov
We entered into he cafe.there was no one in there but I ignored because who will drink coffee at 6?(😂)

They settled in a seat and ordered coffee both were sipping Miku' s gaze fell on a dark wall.she was looking there intensely.Sumedh smiled at her looking at the dark wall.Suddenly Sumedh stood up from his seat and Mallika also stood up.Suddenly the other lights went off and the lights in the dark wall brightened and it was written I LOVE YOU ANGEL in bold letters.Miku was looking at the wall and looked at Sumedh who were standing there with a ring and____
Sumi:Angel....I am crazy about you ,I fell in love with the minute I saw you.will you accept my proposal.You can take your time but please don't say no😢

Miku was standing there numb tears were forming in her eye corners, she want to take him to a bone crushing hug but she was not able to because of her parents they will surely not allow her to do love marriage.

Sumi:Angel speak up😢
Miku:(Acting)I dont know you were this much cheep I don't like you Sumedh I hate you from the core of My Heart I hate you Mr Sumedh Mudgalkar😣😣😣😣

Saying this she ran from there.

Sumedh's pov
What did she told right now?I was not able to digest it.😣I am such a idiot I shouldn't have listened to di.i don't know will she ever talk to me tomorrow.

Sumedh broked down from his heart.

At night,Miku's house
She was in her room closed and was crying hugging her teddy.
M/m:Miku come down and have dinner.
Miku:I don't want mom....
M/m:why?what happened to you?why you sound feeling like you're sad?
Miku:nothing like that mom.i had my dinner with my colleagues.
M/m: ok.then take rest.

Miku's pov
I'am sorry Sumedh I really love you whole heartedly💖.My parents won't allow for this love marriage and all.they think love marriages are fake😖.I don't want to hurt you by loving you and when it comes for my marriage I want to marry someone else and break your heart 😣.this is better than it😔

She was crying there silently.she soon dozed off her tiredness

Sumedh's mansion
Sumedh was sitting in his room staring at Miku's pic.
S/m:Beta....come down and have dinner.
Sumi:No mom I don't want,I had dinner.
S/m:ok beta.

Sumedh's pov
Angel I am sorry for hurting you😭I shouldn't have listened to that stupid girl😬I still love you angel I don't know why you did this I don't know what's the reason of rejecting me am I not having a good manners?😔I still love you angel I still love you😖


Guys I had completed my word the part had came on evening.Now can I give you a goal next part will only come after that.

The goal is you have to drop atleast 5+comments or more.

Comments+friends=happyauthor=next part😊

As i told you earlier I am not writing this to have any fame in wattpad I just want some friends.in my home there only 3 people's expect me my parents and my bro.my parents have no time to understand me and spend time with me.my bro he is little he is only 7 years and I am 15😒long age difference right?😒.so please comment😊😇😘

Bye Bye👋👋

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