chapter 1

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I never noticed how slow and fast time could go by when you were grieving. It was soon closing in on the 1 year anniversary of their disappearance and what we can only assume their death a well. It still hurts to remember them, I know why therapist says I can't blame myself for others decisions but I can't help but blame myself, I swore I would protect them and I failed them. I wish I had done more then just hitting Emily but I don't regret it, it felt so good to hit her. However Josh was my main focus now that they were gone, I knew he needed me more then ever. I printed out every picture, saved all the videos on a separate thing than my phone. Every memory of them I had which did include everything left in their room. Their mom let me keep everything where it was. She knew everyone needed to grieve at their own pace. I however put all the memories in their room so Josh didn't discover them before he was ready.

I knew he was broken after the lose of them, I was too. We leaned on each other more then ever which is why I convinced him to move in with me. We didn't discuss therapy, I didn't want to cause more harm. I just always made sure he took care of himself. Which meant I was the one in charge of his pills. However I soon started to suspect he had stopped taking his pills. I had no real proof until I accidently stumbled upon his plans to prank our friends back. I took a quick glance around, seeing he wasn't in the room I took a look through the notebook. We seemed to agree that they needed to suffer However he seemed to try to target Chris, Sam, and Ashley which I disagreed with. I knew I could make this so much better. Emily needed a bigger part in this, I knew she was a big player in the prank. They deserved to feel the fear Beth and Hannah must have felt. Even the humiliation Hannah felt knowing most of her friends were in on the prank.

As I was thinking everything over, I heard a noise directly behind me. I knew it was Josh so I decided to speak my mind still looking everything over "the plan isn't too bad but I know how we can make this even better for them" I said listening to him behind me.

I heard that small freeze of shock he had hearing my words. I slowly turned to look at him.

"however I know how you can improve this plan with my help of course to make them never forget the lesson we taught them." I said making sure to let him know that I was completely serious with my statement. The shock was so evident on his face.

"So you don't think I'm crazy?" He asked with a unreadable expression on his face. I knew he was trying to see if I truly was serious.

"I wouldn't say that but I couldn't say that I don't want in. I mean after all they deserve to feel the humiliation, Hannah felt. They deserve to feel to fear Beth felt. They deserved everything coming to them" I said taking a step closer to him.

He let me take that step closer so I got more confidence, slowly closing the distance before wrapping my arms around him in a hug. I felt his arms slowly wrap around me as well. I smiled softly "we'll make them pay for what they did. We'll show them, we will show them all" I said softly. He slowly pulled back, staying close but enough to look me in the face.

"So what improvements do you have to my plans?" He asked after a moment of silence and just looking at each other. My smile widened "oh come with me. We"ll make this the worst experience of their lives" I said taking his hand and leading him to my room. I got out my note book and started writing stuff down. I of course talked to him as I wrote explaining all of it in great detail to him. We would make them remember this till the day they died.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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