Give Me More

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First of all, I'd like to thank you all for 200 followers! I really appreciate it!

Warning: This story is hardcore so read on your own risk! You've been warned.

It was a nice summer night in your town, you were having fun at your friend's birthday party. Her name is Flaky, she is nice and sweet when you'll get to know her but she is scared of literally anything but it still didn't stop you to be friends with her. You were talking to your other friend Cuddles at the moment, he was a nice guy as well and he's very friendly. You were talking to him about having a picnic with him and two other friends tomorrow.

You were occupied with your conversation and almost didn't notice as your other friend Flippy walked over to you and offered you a drink. You took it without thinking and was about to take a sip but Cuddles stopped you.
"Wait! Y/N! I don't think it's a good idea to drink it." He said worriedly and hoped you would put the glass away.

"Come on Cuddles, don't be like that. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with it." You assured him and drank everything that was there, the glass was only half full anyway.
"Yeah, don't be rude." Flippy crossed his arms and frowned. But neither of you noticed how his green eyes turned to sharp yellow when you finished your drink.

"Do you feel weird or anything?" Cuddles asked while looking you up and down.
"Of course not, I'm feeling fine." You assured him once again and smiled at him. Sure you didn't feel anything, just yet.

Flippy watched you leave after a while and snatched Cuddles by his neck, dragging him inside the closet where he murdered him but not a single sound could be heard as he covered his mouth so Cuddles won't let out a single sound. He got out of the closet, leaving his corpse inside and went to clean himself.

You went to the kitchen to take the best spot to sit at when Flaky will come over with everyone to blow out her birthday candles.
You sat down on a chair which was right the opposite side of the cake which was in the middle of the table, Flaky would be on the other side, in front of you.

After a while you started to feel weird and hot down there. So Cuddles was right, there was something in that drink after all. You were lost in your thoughts when someone suddenly slammed a hand on the table right beside you. You got started by the sound and quickly turned around to see who it was and of course it was none other than Flippy who was standing behind you. "Spill it, what was in that Drink." You crossed your arms while looking at up at him from your seat and frowned. "A drug." He replied simply. "What kind of a drug?" You asked once again to get an answer out of him. "You'll find out soon, if you already didn't." He chuckled and licked your ear.

You rolled your eyes and looked away from him. "I hate you." You growled at him and got up to leave but he cornered you by putting his hands on the table on each side of you. "I know but you're not going anywhere. I can help you with it but you gotta do me a favor first." Flippy chuckled once again and pointed to the table for you to get under.

Your face got red and you growled once again. "I swear I hate you." You knew very well what he wanted and got under the table. Flippy smiled and sat at your spot, crossing his arms. You sighed and unzipped his pants, sliding his boxers down slights and took his cock out. You start to lick from the base up to his tip and sucked on it, biting it slightly. Flippy didn't even flinch tho, like he didn't even care about it.

You took him whole in your mouth, covering his cock with your saliva before moving your head back up to his tip and teased it a bit while pumping his length with your hand. Flippy moved his chair closer to the table and put his hand on your head, making you take him whole again.

Give Me More (Flippy/Fliqpy X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now