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"What did you do!?" Wooyoung yelled, running over to the command board.

"I-I don't know!! I just picked one! I don't-I'm sorry!"

"Fuck! How do we turn it off?!" Wooyoung shouted, looking around at the buttons.


They turned to look at Jongho.

"What?" Yunho asked.

"That said you closed the lobby doors. I think...they're opening."

Kyungsoon's face went white.

"Then we need to close them!! NOW!" Wooyoung screamed, reaching for the button and slamming his finger into it. But the noise didn't stop.

"I think...they can only be closed once they've finished opening," San whispered.

"FUCK!" Wooyoung spat, standing and kicking the chair away from the desk.

"I'm so sorry-I should've never said anything-it's all my fault..."

"It's okay, we knew this was a gamble. It's not your fault. We made you pick," San said reassuringly but even he was having a hard time not freaking out.

"We need to warn the others," Mingi said quietly.

"It's too late. We'd just be putting ourselves in danger, too," Yunho responded.

Finally the metal groan stopped and Wooyoung quickly pressed the button, the doors finally starting to shut. Jongho moved to the only window into the room, looking out into the hallway. It didn't seem like that many had gotten through yet. There was still hope.

"Come on, come on! Hurry up! God why is it so slow?" Wooyoung groaned, his foot tapping impatiently.

That was when they started to hear the crowd.

"Shit," Jongho muttered.

As the doors neared halfway, more zombies than they had ever seen began to pour through the opening, drawn in by the loud metal creaking. Tens-hundreds, all moving to the wrong side of the door. Their side.

Jongho watched helplessly as they stampeded in with no particular destination, just pushing their way through the gap between the two metal doors. After a few more seconds, the gap was impassable and Jongho had to turn away as zombies tried to fit through the shrinking space, getting caught in the middle.

Finally, they closed with a clang.

The room fell into silence.

Unable to sit by, Jongho walked to the ammunition closet and grabbed a handgun, loading it. No one had moved. He strapped on extra ammunition before stepping out of the closet and grabbing his battered umbrella. Kyungsoon looked around at the other members. She felt too guilty to speak.

"Jongho, be smart."

Yunho stepped in front of the door.

"Yunho, you can't stop me. I need to help them. They aren't prepared to take on this many zombies. They need back-up."

"You can't make it through this group by yourself. You're not invincible."

"I'll fucking have to be. No one else seems to care."

"Of course we care! But it's suicide to go out there now!"

"If I can just take out half of them, they'll be able to get here. I need to try."

Mingi noticed the desperation in Jongho's eyes. They were all feeling it. But he knew Jongho felt it the most.

"Yunho, let him go."

Yunho looked at Mingi in shock.


"Let him go."

Jongho glanced at Mingi, thankful for the support. He needed to save Yeosang. Every fiber of his being had one goal. And he would risk everything.

Mingi walked forward, tugging Yunho's hand lightly.

"Come on, look at him," he whispered as a tear rolled down his cheek. "He's not going to budge."

Yunho bit his lip, his eyes watering.

"Be careful. If it's too much, you come back. Right away."

Jongho nodded but they both knew he didn't mean it. He wouldn't stop until he was sure Yeosang would be safe. He stepped aside and Jongho ran into the hallway, immediately firing a shot at the first zombie who targeted him.

Yunho slid down against the door, the tears taking over. He knew Jongho had the best odds of coming back in one piece. But only if he regarded his own life more than anyone else's.

"NO! No, no, no, no, no, this isn't-this can't be-I didn't-"

Yunho looked up, startled at the sudden shouting. His eyes locked on Mingi.

Mingi held his wrist in front of him, eyes wide.

Yunho's eyes slowly dropped to look at it.

It was almost entirely covered in black veins.

Yunho's heart stopped.

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