The Hangout

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Oikawas POV

Iwa-Chan was still showering, I couldn't help but to not think of the hickey that was on his neck.. Is he cheating? Wait! Stop overthinking Oikawa! Like he said it was a bug bite. Gosh.. I need someone to help me get this thought out of my head.. or some people.

(Btw Kenna isn't in this group chat because I made him a top) (SakuKenastu (Sakusa x Kenma x Astumu)

"We have secret jobs as strippers" group chat

Kawa : Can we meet up at the mall?

Tall half Russia giant : Sure!😁

Astu : What's wrong?

Kawa : Just needed to get something off my mind and maybe we can have some fun!

Satori : you seem off but sure, I'll go! And we better not have to kill anyone.

Everyone agreed.

Astu : Can Kenken come?

Yachi : yep!

Kawa : ^

Astu : Mk! Gonna tell him

Third person pov

Oikawa : "I'm going out Iwa! Be back later, love you!!" I shouted before leaving

Iwaizumi : "Okay be safe."

When everyone is there

Oikawa : "Hey bitches~"

Astu : "Hey Kawa!"

Lev : "Hi!"

Bokuto : "Hey hey hey!"

Asahi : "Hello."

Daichi : "Hi!"

Yachi : "Hi! :) "

Makki: "Hey hoe~"

Osamu : "Hey."

Hinata : "HI"

Yamaguchi : "Hello!"

Kuroo : "HEY BRO"

Bokuto : "BROO"
Kenma : "Mmm...." His arms were around Astumu waist and his face in his neck

Everyone greeted eachother and decided to split up and meet up in the food court when their done

Kenma — Atsumu

Asahi — Daichi

Lev — Yachi

Oikawa (by himself)

Osamu — Tanaka

Kuroo — Bokuto

Yamaguchi — Hinata

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