You talk a big game so I'll let you go first.

 I'll wait right here in the living room and watch TV to keep busy. 

You can choose anything from your closet and what I packed in my suitcase. Call me up when you have my look ready and i'll get to work on yours.

Yeah okay, I'll go first are we doing time limits?

No, we're not.

 I'd like to look decent and not like a clown.

 If we gave a time limit I fear I'd look like a clown.

Good point, I've got lots of clothes to sort through to find the perfect outfit.

So I better get to work.

Hailee flew up the stairs and into the master bedroom where y/n's suitcase was lying open at the foot of her bed. She wanted to see what y/n had packed herself. The more of y/n's actual clothes that were used the higher likelihood of y/n being more comfortable on their date tonight.

Wow, my girlfriend really is a simple woman.

We've got shoes... 3 pairs okay slay we love variety.

Jesus how gay can you be she packed docs, vans, and birks.

what the fuck y/n owns a skirt? That's like the last thing I thought my very masc girlfriend to own. Aha, there's what I was expecting skinny jeans, chino's, and my personal holy grail some dickies 874s.

Now I just need to dig a little deeper and fid a top maybe...

All she really has is plain or graphic tee's which are great around the house but on a date? That's just not going to cut it. Surely she's got something else in here. hmmm, let's see oh she brought some band collared button-ups. I can work with these.

With th suitcase picked through Hailee took her favorite items and laid them out on the bed to try and piece together an outfit.

I know I love these doc marten Chelsea boots so these are what i'm building around here. Let's see these go with most of the bottoms here but I think I'm gonna steal a pair of different colored dickies from my closet.

Since we're giving y/n the white button up I'll pull out my navy 874s and she didn't bring many accessories so I'll pull a Hermes belt and fuck it this new bomber jacket. It's black it's gonna go with all of this. Jewlery though what do I have...

Gold chain of course and if she wants rings she can pick whatever she wants and we're pretty much done here.

Hailee had been gone for nearly 45 minutes. Y/n didn't know if it was that hard to pick an outfit from her suitcase or if Hailee was planning the worst outfit imaginable just to fuck with her. As y/n was about to get up from the couch and check on Hailee she could be heard making her way down the stairs.

I really think I need to send in teh search party shes been up there a while and been dead silent.

No, she said she'd come and get me...

 I'm sure it'll be fine, the worst she can do is put me in that skirt. I don't have anything against it but I was honestly gonna give it to Hailee.

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