One Hundred Hours // Part 3

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As it turned out, one of the orphanage's sponsors-a snack food company-had arrived to bring bread, biscuits, and milk packs for the pantry. Joongki, Joohwan, and the other members of their crew were enlisted to help bring the food boxes inside the building. There were quite a lot to carry and sort, and by the time Joongki returned to where he'd left Jinah, the sun was just about ready to set.

"Sorry..." he said, catching his breath as he plopped on the empty bench space beside her. "A Daehan Foods truck arrived. They usually send the children snacks, and we helped their delivery crew bring boxes inside."

He found her curious eyes fixed on his face, and immediately he felt self-conscious. "Why didn't you ask me to help you out?" she asked while he wiped the sweat off of his brow. "That's what I'm here for, right?"

The setting sun cast a beautiful, gentle glow on Jinah's features, making her look like the main character of her own movie. Joongki needed another second to gather his bearings and answer.

"Oh. No...I wouldn't ask you to do that."

She frowned. "Because I'm a girl?"

"No!" his reply came abrupt and almost too aggressive even he surprised himself. He flapped his hands in front of her. "N-no, of course not-what I meant was... I couldn't risk you getting hurt while carrying those stuff. If you get injured, then what about cheer?"

He was painfully aware of how much he just rambled, but the way the frown on Jinah's face melted into a smile comforted him.

"You know I'm in the cheer squad?"

"Who doesn't?"

Jinah's lips gathered into a small pout. Joongki had to look away.

"I don't remember seeing you at the games, though. I take it you're not the type to care too much about sports?" she asked, her voice sounding much friendlier now.

"Not basketball. Or football." He shook his head. "Actually, balls aren't my thing."

He heard her snort, then realized a second too late how that might have sounded.

"Well, that's good to know," she quipped. "So what sport are you into?"

Joongki hesitated for a moment. And when he a quick glance her way, he found Jinah's attentive brown eyes on him. His heart hiccuped.

Is she actually interested in hearing my reply?

"I...used to be a short track speed skater," he mumbled, shyly.



"Were you any good?" The lilt in Jinah's voice told him she was beginning to get invested in his story. Too bad it wasn't a very good one, but anyway...

"I'd like to think so, yes. I started when I was seven and competed at Nationals for the first time when I was twelve, and two more years after that."

When she uttered "Wow, that's amazing," Joongki felt the butterflies in his stomach flapping their tiny wings like crazy. Part of him wished his story had a better ending, if only to capture her attention for just a bit longer.

"So why aren't you doing it anymore?"

And there it was. The question that heralded this conversation's slow and painful death.

"On my third year playing at Nationals, I hurt my ankle really bad," he said with a heavy sigh. It's been years, and recalling it still made his heart feel heavy. "I wasn't the same after surgery, and therapy was going to cost so I decided to quit and just focus on my studies."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

Jinah's voice sounded genuinely said when she said those words that Joongki didn't dare look at her, knowing he would only see pity in her eyes. Instead, he stared at the orphanage building and the vibrant splash of color behind it.

"Don't be. I got over it eventually. It's okay."

A soft, cool breeze blew past them, as if the forces of nature wanted to get rid of the uneasy silence that replaced their little chat. When Joongki felt warmth descend on the back of his hand, he almost flinched.

Jinah had put her dainty hand over his.

Jinah had put her dainty hand over his

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It was as if she'd done a complicated floor routine, the way her heart raced staring at her hand now firmly holding Joongki's. Jinah had always been confident with skinship, but for some reason, she was afraid he would pull away.

And if he did, she wasn't sure how she'd take it.

"Thanks for looking out for me," were the words she chose to say next. She did feel bad for him having to quit a sport he obviously loved, but she didn't want to be patronizing either. "I do love being in cheer and would hate to miss any of the games this school year."

Was it her imagination or did Joongki posture turn stiff all of a sudden?

"Don't worry, Jinah-ssi. I'll make sure you don't."

He still had not moved his hand. But was he...avoiding her eyes?

Something inside her made a tiny happy leap. Call her delusional, but it seemed Song Joongki wasn't immune to her charms after all.

"I hope you'd come to the games sometime, though. Even if it's just to see us perform..."

"Oh. Um-"

The shell of his ear was now a bright shade of crimson, and it made Jinah want to laugh. And hold his face. And kiss him until he's forgotten his name.

But she was patient this time and waited. Waited until he looked straight into her eyes and said "yeah, sure...maybe next time." Waited until he took her hand in his and pulled her up off the bench and walked with her to the bus that took them back to campus.

"I'll see you again next Saturday, Jinah-ssi," he said to her when they got off the bus together. It didn't escape her that his buddies from the outreach program were sniggering a few steps behind them.

She squeezed his hand. "We don't have to wait until Saturday, do we? It's a small campus. We're bound to see each other around."

"Ah. Of course."

That was the only time she let go. And seeing the dazed smile on Joongki's face before she walked away was all the assurance she needed that she had him in the palm of her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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