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The rain couldn't stop coming down. It hadn't rained this much in Colombia in months. The sound of the rain was so loud you couldn't go to sleep. You were wide awake. It seemed like the world was coming to end outside.

This was your one shot to do it. It was now or never.

Not wanting him to sense your movement, you carefully try to get out of bed. You slowly get up and you see him moving. You climb back in bed so that he can sense that you were in bed. You stay frozen as Javi grabs his pillow tighter and slowly drifts off again into his sleep. You let out a sigh of relief before trying again to get out of bed. Before getting out of bed you look over Javi and analyze him knowing this would be the last time you see him. His little brown curls that you loved to comb your fingers through or looking at his thick mustache that you loved especially when he would let his beard grow. You chuckle  thinking about it recalling he always hated how it looked on him because he couldn't grow a full beard. You laughed and made fun of his little patch that didn't grow out on his left side. But you loved it. You loved him. Things just didn't make sense right now.

How could you leave this man?

How did it get to this point?

You finally got the courage to get up and tiptoe to the living room, and start getting dressed. Once you are done you grab your purse and head towards the door. As you are acquiring your personal belongings you take a look back to the bedroom where the man that you love, Javier Peña, is sleeping in. You start pondering how he is going to react when he wakes up and doesn't feel your warmth next to him and sees an empty bed side?

At this point you don't care how he will react, your mind is set, your flight is booked, and you can't turn your back now. Deciding on not leaving a note is the best way to go at it. Leaving one for him will make things more complicated and harder to do. Expressing your emotions on paper was not your forte and to be honest if you did write a note you would end up changing your mind and staying. This is the best decision you are making, not leaving one for Javi. Yes, he might hate you for it but at the same time it could be a blessing in disguise. He might forget about you quicker. As you stop at the door you take one last look around the room and remember everything that happened in every corner of Javi's apartment. This past year has been a whirlwind for you, never thinking of how your life changed so much by coming here and meeting him. Falling in love was the last thing on your mind. Falling for the notorious womanizer Javier Peña was a curveball. Him deeply falling for you in return was unexpected.

You hesitate and pause at the door. As you are turning the knob tears start coming down your face. You quickly wipe your face and one for one second you thought:

Was this the right choice to make?

Pulling the door open without making a sound you head outside of Javi's apartment where a taxi is waiting for you downstairs to take you to the airport. You start to weep again as you look at the apartment for the very last time while outside the door.

The choice you made comes with a deep sacrifice. Losing the true love of her life.

You finally got the courage to close the door and head down the stairs towards the taxi. Taking that first step down the stairs was the hardest step that you can make then the second and then the third. By the time you got halfway down the stairs the fact of losing him became more real and more clearer. Forgetting him was not going to be easy.

The taxi was across the street waiting for you. You had forgotten to get an umbrella but there was no way you were going back to get one. As you are crossing the block you stop in the middle of the street and look up at the gloomy gray sky and just stand there and let the rain take you in. The world knew how you were feeling and it was showing it through the rain.

"Hey lady you coming in or what?" The taxi driver shouted at you.

"Sorry about that, I'm just trying to take in this moment."

You are drenched as you open the door and get in the taxi.

"Ma'am where are you headed to?"

You composed yourself in the back of the taxi and paused. This was your last opportunity to go back to the apartment and into Javi's arms again. You looked up his apartment for one last time and answered the taxi driver.

"The airport please."

No turning back now.

No looking back.

This was the right choice.

You have your ticket.

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