Chapter 1: Sun And Darkness Collide

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(All right, chapter 2's here. Told you guys I could squeak something in. Please enjoy:))


Muzan's POV

'Hm, it seems like Kamado Tanjiro has already discovered me. He may be a more formidable opponent than I thought. No matter, I'll just reveal myself and kill him and his family. After all, what can a mere 13 year old do?' That's what I thought, but...

'Suddenly, I felt my head detach from my body. I looked around and saw a young boy standing with his back turned on me. He had a black and green checkered haori, but what scared me the most was his hanafuda earrings and his blazing black sword. (yeah, I'm keeping it black, just ignore the gray and red color on the pic above) Then, when he faced towards me, my face was covered of absolute horror as I saw a flame-like scar across his face. It was then at that moment when I realized that this child was exactly like that monster. I knew I needed to escape, but it took a while because apparently his attack caused my regeneration speed to slow down drastically. And his attack hurts like hell. Dang it! How am I supposed to escape this?' I panicked.

Tanjiro's POV

'Ok, here we go. This is the time where 7 years, 2 months, and 2 weeks of training pays off,' I think.

'Don't get overconfident Tanjiro,' Master reminded me, 'Remember, arrogance blunts the blade.'

'Yes, Master,' I replied, 'Let's do this. Breath of the Sun: Second Form: Clear Blue Sky.' I thought and moved at an inhuman speed and did a horizontal slash across Muzan's neck with my blazing sword and cut it clean. I honestly thought his neck would be harder to cut, but it was smoother than butter. Well, I guess for me it is.

'Yes! I did it! I decapacitated him!' I exclaimed in my mind happily, thinking it was over, but...

'No, you didn't!' Master said to me, 'Muzan's weakness isn't just his neck, it's his hearts and brains too!'

'I'm sorry Master, but what?' I asked, completely oblivious of what Master was saying.

'Muzan's weakness isn't just his neck,' Master explained again, 'It's also his seven hearts and five brains. Unlike any other demon, Muzan has several extra organs that are majorly responsible for his abnormal powers and his resistance to Nichirin sword decapacitations. So, you need to destroy those first before you can cut his neck.'

'Well, I wish you could have at least mentioned something about this sooner!' I complained.

'Hey! Show respect to,' Master said but stopped, 'Oh wait, you're right. Sorry.'

'Ugh, now that we've lost the element of surprise, what do we do now?' I asked, still pretty annoyed by Master's last minute explanation.

'Now that he knows you can use Breath of the Sun, and Breath of the Moon is inferior, perhaps the only choice now is to use that breathing.' Master suggested. 

'Wait, you mean the one that I created, Master?' I asked.

'Yes, that should more than enough to end Muzan,' Master said.


3rd Person POV

'I have no choice either (remember, Muzan can read minds, but he doesn't know that Tanjiro's "Master" is actually Yoriichi yet), I need to distract him for just long enough for me to escape,' Muzan said, then...

"AKAZA, KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!" Muzan shouted at the top of his lungs, while Tanjiro just looked over to his family's house in horror. As his master had instructed, Akaza jumped out of what seemed to be a black void and ran towards the Kamado residence.

Just then, before Akaza could even take a single step in the house, Tanjiro appeared in front of him with otherworldly speed, he was different, he eyes turned to white, his scar became more demonic, and his aura felt much deadlier, which sent chills down Akaza's spine. He spoke, "Please leave, you don't have anything to do with this. Who I want is Muzan. If you dare to take one more step, I will cut you to pieces."

'What the heck's with this kid?!? First, he ran here faster than anybody I've ever seen! Second, he sneaked past me without me even noticing him! How is that possible? My Compass Needle technique always detects a person's Fighting Spirit! Unless, he has already mastered the Selfless State at such a young age. If so, this kid's a prodigy. I must dispose of him quickly.' Akaza thought.

"Technique Development: Destructive Death: Annihila-," But Akaza got cut off before finishing his move.

"I'm sorry Mr. Akaza," Tanjiro apologized before he, "Breath of Counter: Counter Form 1: Silver Halo Slash," Tanjiro did a vertical and horizontal slash at Akaza. It seems Tanjiro only did two strikes, but then, Akaza's body was split into quintillions of cubes. (kinda like Atomic Slash in OPM) But before Akaza disintegrated completely, Tanjiro told him, "Your family is waiting for you. Go be with them," Tanjiro gave Akaza one genuine smile before he died. Akaza responded (somehow) with a 'Thank you' and died peacefully. When Tanjiro looked around for Muzan, he already escaped and let his lackey distract Tanjiro like the coward he is.

Tanjiro sighed and thought, 'Looks like we missed him Master.'

'It's fine Tanjiro that happened to me too,' Yoriichi told him, 'Let's go back shall we?'

Tanjiro walked back to his home. His family stared at him curiously, wondering what the racket was all about. Nezuko asked, "Onii-chan, what happened?"

Tanjiro froze, not sure what to say. He consulted his Yoriichi for help.

'Master, what do I do?' he asked.

'Just lie, no big deal,' Yoriichi suggested.

'But, I can't,' Tanjiro said.

'What do you mean?' Yoriichi asked.

'I always make a weird face when I lie,' Tanjiro said.

'Just try it. I'm sure it's not that bad,' Yoriichi said.

'Ok...' Tanjiro psychically sighed.

"I was just fending off a bear," Tanjiro lied, but his weird face still showed up.

"I was just fending off a bear," Tanjiro lied, but his weird face still showed up

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(just pretend that this Tanjiro has long hair) 

"Tanjiro," Kie said, in a very scary manner.

"Ok fine, *sighs* I was actually-*sniff*, wait a minute," Tanjiro looks at the cold forest beyond. He senses 5 figures hiding somewhere. He then throws a knife at their direction, signaling that he had discovered them. He heard a loud clang as the knife was blocked. He then says, "Show yourselves. There's no point in hiding anymore, Hashiras." 


(Ok, that's chapter 2 done. Hope you all enjoyed. See ya'll soon)

Word Count: 1067

Author-kun out

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