The Fun Has Just Begun

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"Tell me Yurie... it is true that you have never been outside of the church?"

My eyes lifted up to stare in his eyes. I will admit it I was a bit ashamed as they looked towards the fire. Did this have a huge effect on the relationship? I bit my lip as I waited a bit to figure out how I was suppose to say this. To actually say this without making my Grandfather look like a complete psycho.

"Yes, well more like the... dungeon of the church. My grandfather thought if I stayed in doors every day that my skin would be use to the darkness. That I didn't need to see the corruption of the world around us. He thought that if my blood was absolutely pure from everything that it would heighten the chances of me becoming a Potential bride." 

I glanced at Genji as he was actually listening closely. I continued

"My grandfather also thought if I was secluded from everyone, especially love, touch and care that I would be more likely to enjoy the harshness and possibly hatefulness that I would get here if I did fail to become a potential."

Genji frowned deeply as he was taking everything in that I had just told him. Genji suddenly positioned himself on the couch so he was now facing me from the side. I repeated his action not sure what he was planning or doing at the moment. Genji then replies almost in a seductive voice. 

"So you have never been held or touched by a man?" I shook my head no letting him know that he was correct without having to speak. 

Genji then says a bit clouded. "So you have never been kissed on the hands...." 

Genji lifted one of my hands up with his as he placed a gently soft kiss. I could feel my cheeks burning bright red as I could feel the bliss raising up again. I shook my head no indicating that I have not. Genji smirked evilly as I could feel my body moving closer to his. He was searching for something I could tell in his eyes. Genji seemed to be trying to figure me out. He then grabbed my throat as my eyes widen with excitement, it was very strange for me to get excited at the thought of him being rough with me. I mean I was raised with people hitting me and screaming in my face all the time. Genji stared grinning evilly almost devilishly, Genji chuckled deeply sending chills down my spine as I felt my throat move as if a noise wanted to escape my throat. Genji tilted his head to the side staring into my eyes intently. My heart raced faster than it was, he let go of his grip on my throat as he moved my hair off of my shoulder gently as if caressing my body now. My eyes started to get heavy as they half way closed as Genji leaned in closer to my neck. I could feel myself wanting him every second of this amazing torture. I actually wanted to feel him gripping every part of my body as if he needed me. I now could feel his hot breath caressing my shoulder and neck sending chills down my spine with excitement. Genji then says in a whispered with seduction lacing his tongue. 

"I can not promise you that I will be good all the time. I might accidentally hurt you, but I will treat you like a goddess if you are a good girl, Yurie."

I felt myself tilting my head to the side as my whole body was sent in complete bliss. God, if this bite feels like what he's doing now, then I am just going to be asking for a death sentence. All of a sudden I felt his tongue lick up my neck as a moan escaped my lips. My eyes widen in complete shock as I was sent back into reality. I quickly backed up slapping my hands on my lips as if this wrong for me to have made that noise. Genji seemed in complete shock as he stared at me a bit confused. My heart was speeding so fast it felt like it was about to ripe out of my chest, it was actually hurting. I then say completely shocked worried and scared I had done something wrong. 

"I am sorry.... I.... I ....." I couldn't find my words it was as if my brain just shut down. I finally got what I was going to say. "I don't know what that was..... I am sorry."

Genji sat there still a bit confused till realization hit him. Genji chuckled lowly to himself. I frowned absolutely confused. Why the hell was he laughing at me? Was what I had done so amusing and stupid that I made a sound? I hid my face in my hands completely ashamed that I had made that awkward weird sound, I don't even know why I would have made a noise like that. I was so humiliated that I could feel my eyes watering up quickly. Genji had stopped laughing at me as he was saying my name in a confused voice. I then felt hands pulling my arms away from my face as I looked at Genji with watery eyes. Genji's amusement filled face quickly changed to a worried look in an instant. Genji then asked worried. 

"Yurie, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

I tried to pull my arms away from Genji's grasps, why didn't he see that he hurt me by making fun of me? I stopped trying to pull away seeing that it was pointless to try and get out of his grip.

I finally replied in defeat. "Why would you laugh at me like that? I said that I am sorry I made that noise..."

Genji looked relieved for a split second as he replies gently, 

"I was laughing at how cute and innocent you are. Do not apologize for making that sound with me, Yurie. I was just your bodies way of telling me that you were excited and enjoying the things I was doing to you. It is called moaning, everyone does it at some point."

Genji grabbed my hand as he made my hands run through his hair as  I could see chills on his skin forming very quickly. Genji stopped at the side of his head as he whispered almost in a pleased dark voice

"Grab my hair.... Pull it."

Genji's hand dropped from mine as I stared at him, was he completely serious about this? Genji's eyes were completely closed making him look so vulnerable. I bit my lip as gripped his hair gently as I pulled it playfully. All of a sudden a deep moan escaped Genji's lips as his head tilted in the direction that I pulled it. My heart started beating fast as I was actually getting excited off of the sounds he made. I let go as I saw Genji's eyes starting to open half way as I ran my fingers again through his hair. Earning a small "Mmm" coming from Genji, this was getting my so excited. I saw that Genji's eyes closed again as I got the courage to get closer to his face. I ran my other hand through his hair as I pressed my lips onto his as my heart was about to explode. My eyes had shut trying to not see his reaction just in case he hated what I did. Right as I kissed him I pulled a little on my left side earning a moan from his lips. All too soon I felt Genji's arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him.  

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