Olivia gazed at the photo before turning to Eli whilst she pointed at the photo. "Don't you miss this?"

Eli looked guiltily at the ground before returning Olivia's gaze. "I miss you."

"Then get your shit together." Olivia snarled before marching out of the house, slamming the door on her way.


"No no NO! You go there and you're meant to do your flip after her. Oh my god!" A frustrated girl, she thinks her name is Megan, yells at the group of cheerleaders as they practiced their routine.

Olivia liked cheerleading but she missed karate, cheerleading didn't feel completely... right. It didn't help that the person she despised most in the world was on the team.

"Okay now for this part I want you here Olivia." Megan ordered as she tugged Olivia's arm. "And I need you here." She continued, and much to Olivia's annoyance, shoved Tessa in the spot next to her.

"Oh hey Olivia" Tessa smiled with venom laced in her tone.

"Hi." She responded bluntly, trying to keep the interaction short. Tessa always knew how to strike a nerve with Olivia.

"Hey, I heard you and your little boyfriend are over now, is that right?"

Olivia kept her mouth shut tightly but her fists clenched at her sides. It wasn't her business to know what's going on in her life.

Tessa smirked happily. "Oh what a shame. But you know, he's pretty cute and now that he's single... you wouldn't mind if I made a move would you?"She chuckled.

Olivia's head snapped toward Tessa violently. "Listen-!" She snarled but was abruptly cut off by a hand clamping down on her mouth and gently pulling her away.

Turning around, Olivia was met with Moon's concerned eyes. "Hey, don't let her get to you okay? She's, and I don't say this lightly, she's really mean." Moon grimaced.

"There are lots of other words I'd use to describe her." Olivia grumbled making Moon giggle.

"I know but you can also be the bigger person right now." She suggested.

Olivia looked at Moon and gave her a gentle smile. "You're right. Thanks Moonie".

"No problem! I like to avoid drama wherever possible!" She cheered.

When practice was over Olivia grabbed her phone and saw a text from Miguel.

Miggy: Wanna come rollerskating with Tory and I?

Liv: are you seriously pity inviting me to third wheel on your guys' date cause you feel bad?

Miggy: ....no. You could bring someone?

Liv: hmm we'll see.

Miggy: good. Also we're setting your dad up on a dating app, come home asap

Liv: ew but ok

"Your dad on a dating site? Gross."

Olivia (A Cobra Kai Story)Where stories live. Discover now