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Reuben's POV:

I've always got smiles on my face but, my mind is distorted. I just can't think straight. But, when I got into Freeman High School, things seemed to change a bit. How that happened, I just can't explain.

But, I noticed that I started having feelings, which is unusual for me. To even say that this is my first! Yeah, and it's even a guy! Well, who permitted me to think it would be different? Not for someone like me, anyway.

The class was just a drag. My mind wouldn't stay in class, I just couldn't stop fantasizing how Adam and I would be cute together. I don't really know much about the world of gays, but I know a little. I've seen gay celebrities who were so unashamed about their sexuality and they really looked good. But, I never thought I would be gay too.

When the class ended, I went to give Adam a hug. Adam was startled. He didn't hug me back at first, but when other classmates started getting interested in what was going on, he wrapped his arms around me as well and made it look like a drama as he tried to carry me and sway me side by side.

He unwrapped his arms around me. I smirked, held his hand, and pulled him out of the classroom.

"Wait! My bag!"

"Oh. Sorry.", I loosened my grip in his wrist and he went to get his bag from the classroom.

When he came back, we walked down to the school main gate before parting ways.

"I'm sorry for what happened in class. I don't know what came over me."

"You've got to be careful next time, you know. That was suspicious." He probably was pissed off.  I sighed.

"Don't mind me. I can be whimsical sometimes. But, you really did well in playing along, although you were too surprised at first."

"Too surprised? Come on, don't be sarcastic. People were gazing on us as if we were about to be crucified. Besides, I don't want them thinking am gay.", He shrugged with his arms in the air.

Gay, uhn?  What really was wrong with being gay?  Those thoughts popped up in my mind. Then, that led to my next question.

"Umm..what do you think about being gay?"

Adam was surprised by my question. I didn't expect so much of such reaction from him, but I wasn't too surprised either. I just wanted to know his point of view about it. It seems to be crucial to whatever direction our relationship will be taking.

Adam stopped walking. He looked at me and sighed.

"Are you alright, Reuben? I mean, what is it about that question?"

I wouldn't let him just wave off my question. I need him to answer.

"I'm serious, Adam. Just tell me what you feel and be honest about it. That shouldn't be hard for you, y'know."

He heaved a sigh. Gayism must be a sensitive topic. Then he spoke up:

"Who knows what's right about that? But, I think it's not good though."

"Why do you think it's bad? Any cogent reason?", I probed further.

"You know, it's not accepted in society. Besides, my Dad's a pastor and it's not accepted in our church as well. Society wouldn't hate what is good, or what do you think?"
He gave a curious stare.

I almost snickered after hearing his response. Such a flimsy reason.

He looked at my face intently, waiting for an answer. I wanted to do the same, but my heart was beating very fast and I almost blushed. It shouldn't be so obvious, should it? How weak I was.

CHRISTIAN GAYWhere stories live. Discover now