Chapter 3

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~Previously On Chapter 2...~

He plopped down into the chair he used, giving a relieved sigh. He wore a thirty pound vest under his lab coat, which was normally used for protection. He didn't take it off even during his Savior job, he still carried the Binary Sword. It always set in the sheath on his back, wherever he went it went with him. He set the papers upon his desk and began to work on them. Looking about the papers and writing down what he found, he would also write down what he knew.

Meanwhile on the other side of these Nevadian Plains was a shadowy figure. He walked about the room he was in, pacing back and forth. Chilling inside the office of his from the old A.A.H.W building. The A.A.H.W still exists, as he is the leader of it, though the building is just run down and beaten. He hadn't gotten the chance to fix it up quite yet.

Though his shoes clicked against the floor as he paced back and forth. The black flame like shadow erupting from his head, his bright red outline very easy to see. He looked down at his gloved hands, the flame like shadow barreling off his hands. He gave a small sigh before taking a hair tie off his desk and tying his hair up.

He would graze his hands over the desk as he walked to the door of his office, taking his hand and opening the door. He would walk through the light and shut the door behind him. This man was named the Auditor, a shadow like flaming being. A higher power of these grey plains, one of the beings apart of The Employers.

He would look out of the windows, his bright red eyes squinting. He grumbled a little bit as he noticed a being exit a building far from where he stood. The being was none other than Christoff, leaving after getting his paperwork turned in for the day. Hofnarr and Crackpot left afterwards, following behind quite staggered.

~To Be Continued...~

Enemies But Secretly Lovers ~ A Jesus x Auditor StoryWhere stories live. Discover now