The Smile of a Demon

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Wisty's POV
    The feeling of Pearce's lips against mine caused me to gag, yet at the same time my body grew to love the sensation.  My mind told me to push him the hell off of me, but my inner thighs wanted him closer. Before I could even say something, my body's emotions took over. Pearce moved his lips down my neck, kissing softly. Then after another kiss, he'd whisper something.  At times he even tried to nibble me.  Excitement charged throughout my whole body, and the feeling of Pearce's soft lips on my neck was just too much. My cheeks were heating up, yet so was the spot between my legs. The sensation of pleasure caused my breath to hitch.  Everything was so silent the only thing I could hear was my beating heart, quick breathing, and the sound of kisses being implanted on me.

    Before I knew it, my own hands were starting to travel down his back. His silky while, long-sleeved, close-fitting, button up shirt felt nice against my skin. That was when I knew that my desire was taking over. Wisty, what in the world are you doing?! My mind screamed at me telling me to push Pearce off. Yet my body wanted to feel more of the sweet sensation. My thoughts were interrupted once I felt Pearce nibble at my neck. A moan escaped my me, which caused Pearce to give a low chuckle. Once I opened my eyes, I saw his blue eyes clouded with lust.
Pearced leaned his face closer to mine, he then brought his lips to my ear. He bit my ear lobe softly, whispering, "Was that a moan I just heard?" He then chuckled again, which sent sweet shivers throughout my body. As he went back to kiss my neck again, I used my hand to grip his bleach blonde hair. He groaned, making a smirk come across my face. Although I enjoyed seeing him angry, I regretted pulling his hair. Before I even had a chance to move my hands away from him, he already grabbed my wrists. His hands were wrapped around my wrists tightly, to the point where it hurt. Suddenly, he brought them above my head, grabbing a cable cord from the TV, he gave a sadistic smile. My eyes widened, I'm not letting that happen. As soon as I started squirming under Pearce, he tightened his grip. "No. . . Stop! J-Just stop!" I tried kneeing him in the stomach. But that didn't work. Try kick him, or punch him. . . Wait. I can't punch him. Maybe I can j- As I was trying to thinking of a plan, he tied my wrist together. Pulling on the cord made it tighter, and that kept making my wrists sore. I gave a frustrated yell while Pearce watched me struggle. His icy blue eyes made me flustered, and embarrassed. His sadistic mind scared me, yet at times I desire it. He leaned his head closer to my neck, using his tongue to catch me off guard. His hands traveled down my sides. Oh god. No. Before I knew it he slipped his hands into gray my tank top.
I wanted to stop him, but I just couldn't do it. It just felt too good, I desired this. His touch made me breathless, and I couldn't let go of that feeling.
His soft hands caressed my back, but then he reached my bra. My breath hitched, and I could feel another shiver. My legs wrapped around his torso, and I pulled him closer. I needed his touch.
I have no control of my body.
Hey guys!! I know it's been a while, and I am so sorry. Here is the newest update. If there are any grammar mistakes, I'm sorry! I plan on being on here more often, so I'll keep updating and creating more fanfictions! So far I'm making a new fan fiction for Percy Jackson x Nico. Not only that, I am also thinking of making a new chapter for my Marshall Lee x Gumball fanfic.

Anyway, I know this update seems a bit quick, and rushed (it kind of was), but that's because I'm on vacation. What that means is that I'm basically not allowed to have my phone out for long periods of time. Sooooooo, yeeeeah. Anyway, I really do hope you liked this "chapter," and I'm so happy you took time to read it. I'm so blessed to have you guys :) Bye you smexy beast, I'll see you later (hopefully)!!

- Kat

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