chapter one

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picture perfect

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picture perfect

A pair of footsteps ascended to the second floor of the 118 firehouse where distinct chatter took place in the kitchen area. Laughter erupted between the three first responders, one perked at the arrival of the brunette approaching. His mouth tugged into a slight grin, "Hey stranger." The other two swiveled in their stools following his gaze. "How was your workout?"

Josephine furrowed at Eddie's nickname though she brushed it off. "My workout went well." She headed towards the refrigerator for a cold bottle of water.

Five months have gone since the serial bomber was arrested from that night. Josephine recovered from her injuries and returned to work two months later. Without a doubt, the woman received a welcome back party in spite her assurance of not needing one. She already knew her voice would be waved off by Hen listing off the party favors by then. The firehouse had lost two of their firefighters temporarily to which caused a shift yet with one returning firefighter back in their graces, it started to feel everything will soon piece together again.

"You're going to Buck's party tonight, right?" Chimney asked before chomping on an apple slice.

She brought the opened bottle to her lips, "Of course, why?" She answered then took a swig of her water.

"Because you never hang out with us outside of work anymore." Hen remarked, stealing one of her best friend's apple slices.

"Wow, that wasn't harsh at all." The brunette said in a sarcastic tone while closing the cap then hovered the countertop.

Eddie cleared his throat, shrugging. "Well, we noticed you've been leaving us high and dry when we asked you to come out for a drink."

"And you always come out with us, drinking or not." Chimney pointed out.

Hen hummed in agreement, "You don't even come out for our nights with Athena."

Quite taken back, Josephine suppressed her giggles at the stern looks from the trio in front of her. "Didn't realized it was that serious."

"It is serious because Eddie sucks as a competitor in pool!" The raven-haired paramedic exclaimed, earning an offended expression from the brunette man. "No offense, Eddie." He would enjoy a friendly and intense game of pool with the woman as they took it with seriousness.

Her lips couldn't resist to erupt in giggles, "Sorry I haven't been able to cater my presence. These last few months have been...busy. From planning my abuelo's retirement party to the day of. Then his eagerness to spend more time with his favorite granddaughter and my cousin Carlos visiting. For me to go visit him in Austin, life has been hectic." She explained in an honest tone.

"Don't worry you'll see me outside of the firehouse for once."

Before the trio could reply, the alarm sounded causing the first responders to race down and gear up to the dispatch call. They snatched their gear from their assigned hooks and slipped into it when Bobby came around the truck meeting them. "Kid's car is moving like a runaway freight train, but they got a plan to slow him down before he crashes." He announced, striding over to the passenger door.

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