Chapter 2

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Dazzled by his sudden change of mood, she stared at him, speechless, as he led her to a random step. What was he trying to do?

Then, catching a ghost of a smile on his face and the blaring music from the radio, she slowly understood...

He was trying to cheer her up.

Overwhelmed by his care but exhausted by her emotions, she couldn't return his smile and gave him a sorrowful look instead. But no, he wasn't going to give up just yet. He might not have a single clue about dancing, but he was determined to try, just for her.

He gently placed his hand on her waist and clasped her hand with the other one. Noting the rhythm of the song, he started swaying with her, his fingers intertwining with hers as he tried to lead them into a dance.

She couldn't help but crack a little smile at his poor efforts. His tongue was out in concentration, and she could tell he was trying his best. He didn't know how to dance. Well...neither did she.

So she could help him out.

Her fingers dug into his shoulder as she started moving her body, ever so slightly, with his. He saw her, and he couldn't help but crack a little smile at her attempts to match their moves with the music.

Her reaction stirred something inside him, and when the song turned up a notch, so did he.

Holding her hand, he twirled her around in time with the music. The sudden move made her do something she'd never thought she'd do in a situation like this.

She laughed, making him grin.

And that was all they needed...

Soon enough, they were doing their clumsy dance, laughing at their poor attempts, the floaty feelings in their hearts, the air rushing past their faces. She laughed when he tried to dip her low and almost fell to the ground. He laughed when she tried to spin him around but staggered on to him instead. For a moment, their brightened world consisted only of each other and the music surrounding them. Everything else seemed to fade away. Their friend, their enemies, the war, their future – everything suddenly appeared nugatory. The negative energy was lifting up. The bad thoughts were diminishing. The mildew in their hearts was clearing away.

This was their moment, and they knew it.

But good things didn't last forever.

The song was slowing down. The looming threat of the dreaded silence was returning. But dancing with her had ignited a new kind of persistence in him.

He pictured her miserable face and the awful silence present before – and that increased his resolve. He would try everything in his power to keep that kind of environment from resurfacing.

So as the song reverted to peaceful tones, he pulled her into a slow dance, making sure to keep a respectful distance lest she felt uncomfortable in his embrace.

She smiled at his consideration. He was such a gentleman.

But she could never be uncomfortable with him.

So she closed the gap between them and rested her cheek against his shoulder as he led them into a slow dance. He was moved by her intimacy, her message clear on her delicate features. His efforts were successful. Even if temporarily.

Smiling despite himself, he held her and slightly buried his face in her hair. Her scent was mesmerising. A musty scent, like of old parchments and ink, the signs of a bookish person. But her fragrance felt like home to him. Where he could feel safe from the pressures of the outside world. Where nothing mattered. Except for him and her.

She closed her fingers around his hand a little more firmly. She could feel his resonating heartbeat. His body warmth surrounded her, and she never thought it could be so calming. His embrace felt like a safe place to her. A place where she was protected from everything that could tear her down. Break her apart. For a moment, she felt like if she stayed like this with him long enough, he could make all the bad things disappear. He was her sanctuary, and she relaxed into him.

The song had ended. But both of them hadn't realised that.

His arms had become her comfort.


Thank you for the love! This is a short story, so the chapters will be short. Chapter 3 coming soon :)

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