[1] Valentine's Day in Detroit

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"Hank, did you think I got those for you with romantic intent?" Connor asked, a look of confusion and mild disgust very similar to Hank's on his face.
"Well...yeah!" Hank's shoulders slumped, exasperated.
"Why would you think that?"
"You got me flowers on Valentine's Day and then went out and said you loved me!" Hank shouted. It wasn't an angry shout, just...a very confused and sort of frustrated shout.
"I do love you!"
"But you just said that the flowers weren't romantic!"
"They're not! My browser said to get flowers for someone I loved, so I did," Connor tried to explain again, a little bit hopeless at this point.
"But you don't love me romantically?" Hank asked, uncrossing his arms.
"No! Hank, no."
"Then what?"

[ X I Never mind]
[ O I Personal ]
[ I Leave ]

Connor wasn't sure which option he went with until he was talking.
"You loved Cole, didn't you?" Connor asked suddenly. Hank's eyes widened. He hadn't thought of the flowers that way.
"Yeah. Of course I did. He was my son," Hank nodded, suddenly quiet.
"Right," Connor mumbled, at a loss for whatever he was planning to say next. Silence hung in the air for a long moment, and Hank stared at the flowers.

"Connor, you love me as a...as...as your...your dad?" Hank asked quietly. Connor could see how hard Hank was trying to be gentle.
"If it's too presumptuous for me to be honest, then no," Connor said indirectly, looking down at Sumo, suddenly interested in petting him again. When he heard Hank laugh, he felt a sting of (what had been described to him as) embarrassment.
"Connor, when have you ever cared about being 'too presumptuous'? You've come up to me at a bar and dragged me on countless little adventures, you've broken into my house and slapped me awake, you've thrown me in the bathtub and given me cold showers when I'm too drunk to sober myself up, you've almost killed me a few times, and you think that having feelings is being too presumptuous?" Hank asked, amused. Connor didn't look at him.
"Connor. Look at me please," Hank instructed. Once upon a time, he would have yelled at Connor. Over two years, though, Hank had learned that approaching an upset Connor was best done like he was approaching an upset child. Because, like a child, Connor didn't quite have his emotions worked out, yet, and he just got more upset and rebellious when yelled at. That said, Connor looked up at Hank obediently. The look on Connor's face was just like the look Cole used to give him when he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. It pulled on Hank's heart a bit.
"Look, I jumped to conclusions. Usually, people get flowers for people that they love romantically," Hank began to explain.
"But my browser said-"
"Browsers are often wrong. That being said, it's the thought that counts, right?" Hank was straining to be sensitive and empathetic in the way he talked; of course he wasn't mad at Connor, but he didn't really know how to show it. He didn't usually care enough to try to show that sort of thing. Often, when people thought Hank was mad at them, Hank didn't care. But he cared about Connor, and he was considering that Connor was quite new to emotions, still.
"Look, there's even a card for me! I'm not mad, Connor. This was really thoughtful. Just...misleading," Hank laughed, picking up the card. It wasn't until he picked it up that he realized it wasn't actually a card.
"Really, Hank, you don't have to try to be nice. I understand if I've overstepped my boundaries," Connor said quickly, eyes falling back to Sumo, who was nudging his hand for attention. If Hank hadn't liked the flowers, Connor didn't want to see Hank's face when he read what was in his hands.
Hank unfolded the paper. Or...papers. There were multiple of them.

They were filled-out forms required to be the legal owner of an Android. The only thing missing was the signature of the owner at the bottom of the last page.

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