Ch.9 (NSFW)

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Oh boy, spicy spicy😳
This contains smut!
Sexy times.
About time I wrote it, LMAO.
I hinted at it in Forgetful, but now I actually sat my ass down, stopped teasing, and wrote it.
It was fun!
And though it may seem like this is the end, it won't be!
If I can help it, that is.
Haha... hah...
Hope you enjoy 😳👉👈


It took you forever, but you eventually did manage to fall asleep.

Upon waking up, you found Shadow beside you, his eyes closed, though he wasn't really known for sleeping, so you figured it was just him pretending.

You sleepily nuzzled against him, eliciting a response.

He opened his eyes and looked down at you, checking if you were awake, which you indeed were.

You smiled up at him, before softly kissing his cheek, then went back to cuddling him.

"Good morning." He whispered, feeling you nuzzle into his chest.

"Good morning." You replied, a face full of chest fluff.

It took you some time, but eventually you got yourselves out of bed.

You made breakfast for yourself, given Shadow refused to eat, and though you really wanted him to taste your cooking still, you didn't press him.

A simple meal of pancakes with syrup.

You quietly ate with the TV on, idly listening to the news.

Nothing interesting really ever happened anyway...

You got yourself into a white sundress, it being one of your favourites, as Amy had bought it for you.

Actually, most of your clothes were your favourite, as Amy had been so kind as to gift them to you.

You couldn't pick just one!

Shadow followed you as you went outside, and you spent another lovely day together, though... the evening before was still on your mind.

Why had he just stopped?

Hngh... it sort of bugged you.

... You caught yourself furiously blushing.

Did... did that mean you wanted to...?

You tried shaking away the thought, but to no avail.

Holding your face in embarrassment, you completely forgot Shadow was right beside you, watching your every move.

Out of your view, he smugly grinned.

You'd no idea what his plans were.

After another long day on the beach, you returned home, cooked dinner, and later, got yourself ready for bed.

Freshly showered and in fresh pyjamas, you were seated in front of the TV, Shadow beside you like he'd been the night before.

Again, you were eventually moved into his lap.

With your eyes glued to the TV, this documentary being part two of the first one you'd watched, your attention was completely on it.

This seemed to bug Shadow, who had a possessive arm around you, bringing you closer.

He ran his fingers over your thigh, causing you to shiver, seemingly pleasing him.

With your attention still on the TV, but obviously not focused on it anymore, Shadow kept going.

(Sonic Boom) Shadow x Reader (Obsessed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ