"I'll go, you guys stay here and get everything ready." Elaine says and begins to run for the door.

Elaine steps outside to the cold and fresh air, her legs wobble and stamp as she runs until she finds her balance. She shakes her head to clear the static from her ears.

Wilbur was sitting on the concrete with his back against the wall, this was the side of the building, parking wasn't allowed here so all you get is a magnificent view of the desolate street and the sky.

The darkness was already complete, the moon finally had set and in front of them was an oasis of beautiful stars and one big moon. The deep blue canopy was covered with thousands of pinpricks of cold light.

Elaine goes and sits next to a trembling Wilbur, he refuses to look anywhere other than the sky.

"I'm sorry." Wilbur mumbles, "It's just all so much, this is literally a dream of mine. I thought i'd be ready but-"

"Don't apologize." Elaine cuts him off, she cups his cheek and smiles.

Wilbur's stomach fills with butterflies and he can't help but smile back.

He hides his grin in his arms and knees, "I hate you!" He says in a joking manor, "I hate that whenever I feel utterly terrible you make me feel better by just smiling."

Elaine smiles softly and feels a blush creep across her cheeks. He looks back up from his arms and looks at her soft gaze. Her beautiful hazel eyes. The ones that caught him in a swoon the day he met her and to this day present. The eyes he hopes will be in his future forever.

Elaine couldn't help but only stare. His eyes were still glossy and his cheeks were still damp with lines of water that fell down them.

Elaine pecks his lips, and he holds his hand to her jawline, it was cold to the touch and trembling.

 Their kiss wasn't anything extravagant but both felt their stomach drop. No matter how many times their lips would touch, if it were a peck or something more passionate, the couple felt on top of the world. Every. Single. Time.

They adored each other for a second until Elaine's eyes met the sky. She points to it and Wilbur's attention is caught on the sky as well.

"Glorious, isn't it?" Elaine says.

"Truly. I think i'm getting a sense of deja vu," Wilbur chuckles.

As Elaine admired the sky, Wilbur thought for a second. The moon was kind of like a lady, a gorgeous lady.

The moon liked to put on shows. Her hair was dripping with jewels, diamonds too perfect for any mere person to gaze upon without stumbling in awe. Her dress was deeper than the sea and colored so vibrant it catches the eye of about everybody, royal blue, dark purples. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Then when he looked over to his lady, the moon and her stars was beautiful, but even she could never compare to Elaine.

"It reminds me of that one time at the beach you know," Wilbur mentions, his gaze following back to the sky.

Little did he know, now her own gaze was fixed onto him, adoring his side profile and in disbelief she can call him hers, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." He smiles while reminiscing, "Remember that silly goofy time when you rejected me but then showed up at my door-"

"Shut up and die." Elaine covers her face with her hands in embarrassment.

Wilbur chuckles, "You wanna know something Elaine?"

"What is it?" She says peeking through her fingers with a harsh gaze.

 "I was never a consistent person before meeting you." He quote her own words with a proud smile. 

Elaine lowers her hands and scoffs with a smile, "This is plagiarism."

Wilbur doesn't laugh, he only smiles softly and tucks her hair behind her ear and continues, "And although this is the person I am, the person I'm meant to be and the person that I'll forever be... I'm not inconsistent when i'm with you," he cups her cheek, "For everyday I wake up-"

"And I want to love you." She finishes for him.

"And I do love you." Wilbur says instead.

Suddenly Elaine's heartbeat increased and she was completely unable to even speak. It was an indescribable feeling, as if an explosion of energy within.

The street-lamps in front of them that weren't burned out projected little circles of white light onto the empty, cracked sidewalk. The traffic light glowed a bright red telling all the nonexistent drivers to stop. The "walk" sign was on, letting all the nonexistent pedestrians step out onto the faded white lines of the crosswalk.

There was nobody and nothing holding them back so she had pulled him into another kiss, this one more passionate than their previous peck.

"You're not going to run away this time are you?" Wilbur perks an eyebrow.

"Of course not, because I love you too.

"Elaine?! Wil?!" A familiar voice yells, it's Elliot. "It's time to go on, c'mon you dickfucks!"

"Ready?" Elaine looks at Wilbur.

"Always, as long as you're here."


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