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Elaine didn't let jealousy hit her this quickly, what? Girls and guys can't be friends without something being there? Calm the fuck down.

"Who's this?" Lana asks referring to Elaine holding Wilbur's arm.

"Oh that's Elaine," Wilbur smiles at Elaine and escapes Lana's hold to wrap his arm around Elaine.

Immediately Lana's smile dropped into a confused look, it was only for a mere matter of seconds but Elaine still noticed it, "Oh I see.. Hi there Elaine."

Lana clearly had on a fake smile, almost as if she doesn't like Elaine or something?

Elaine smiles and waves, she felt like she was on the verge of croaking, meeting new people is the last thing she wanted to do at the moment.

"How long have you two known each other?" Lana asks as they all start to make way to where everyone else was.

Elaine gasps, "Almost a year now!" She says, Wilbur's arm still wrapped around her.

"Really? Time flies," Wilbur chuckles.

Lana giggles, "How long have we known each other Will?"

Wilbur ponders for a second, "2 years? Not sure"

Lana just chuckles and continue walking.

This Lana girl was definitely getting on Elaine's nerves, but as much as Elaine would rather die than admit, Lana was indefinitely gorgeous.

Her hair seemed as soft as silk, her dress seemed as if it would cost a fortune, her jewelry was shiny and caught your attention, as if she wanted you to pay attention to her collarbone area, her makeup was sharp and her eyes were sharper, she was perfect. Elaine felt out of place.

"Are you okay?" Wilbur asks Elaine with a worried look.

Elaine looks up to him and her bad thoughts washed away, her frown was replaced by soft smile, "Yeah,"

Wilbur smiles back to her and they make it to the booths, it wasn't just a bar but also a restaurant so apparently everyone was getting food then were going to get some drinks.

Once everyone finally realized Wilbur and Niki were here most said hello and some got up to give them a hug.

"You must be Elaine?" A short man, about the same height as her, with a shaved head asks holding up his hand for her to shake.

"Oh yes, hi," she smiles and takes his hand, "You must be Jack Manifold I'm assuming?"

"I am! Aw Wilby talks about me," Jack coo's and tries to give Wilbur a kiss on the cheek and Wilbur pushes his away with a "Fuck off!"

"Mental aren't they," Niki side-hugs Elaine.

"Yeah," Elaine chuckles and starts to walk towards the two.

"Hey little man, Wilbur is mine," Elaine banters giving Wilbur a side hug.

Jack then has his little dramatic moment about how "Wilbur was his everything," and "He can't believe Wilbur would cheat on him like this"

𝐏𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐎 𝐊𝐄𝐘𝐒  || wilbur sootTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang