Naruto waved his hand dismissively "The people in this room are important to me Ojii-san, and knowing you all would be going into battle when the time comes, I knew intelligence on the attack before hand will help greatly. Not only for yourselves but also for us since we're helping you out."

Sarutobi smiled appreciatively, before frowning slightly. "I know the village probably won't like your help. Despite this I'll forcefully speak for all of them when I say arigato for helping us, both of you. Especially since many don't deserve such mercy from either of you." He bowed at the end.

Once again Naruto dismissed the aged man's words. "Whats done is done...and my hands are pretty much forced to help everyone in Konoha, since I'm here to help protect you guys." He answered with a slight scowl, before remembering an important fact. "Oh and Ojii-san, if Natsu-chan is right about the reason Orochimaru decided to get Suna's help in the invasion, you don't have much to worry about. We have close ties to the Kazekage and can probably get Suna to turn their backs on Oto." He finished with a knowing smirk.

Sarutobi quirked a brow. "Let me guess...something that has to do with your trip you haven't told us no doubt?" He inquired, getting a nod and smirk from the hanyou. "Very well, after all you've told me I have no reason to not trust you in this too. As for your plan in infiltrating Konoha and the Chuunin exams itself, I can approve that. However there are procedures that must be made in order for it to look 'authentic', I hope you understand...politics and all that." Sarutobi finished, while massaging the bridge of his nose...he hated one told him there would be so much when he first became Hokage.

"Understood, thats what we were looking for. Now what exactly has to be done for us to 'become' Genin since the academy already graduated this year?" He asked.

Sarutobi turned around to look outside his window surveying the village. "Well the usual procedure is just a basics exam dealing with the three areas of being a shinobi: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu. However I have something else, and in your case much better in mind. A spar to test all of your skills against a Jounin of my choice." He explained, while smirking with the occupants of the room could only see it in the glass's reflection.

"Hm...sounds interesting. Who will be our opponent?" Natsumi asked, after a long silence, but now curious as to the proposition that presented itself.

His smirk turned evil. "Oh? Just someone from your past...whom I'm sure both of you will enjoy seeing again." It was now Sarutobi's turn to be the secretive one.

"Bring it on Ojii-san! I'm sure we can beat whoever it is without any problem even while while suppressing our chakra and KI." Naruto urged with an anxious grin.

"Well see Naruto-kun...but sadly the match will have to wait a week. The Jounin I had in mind is still out on assignment."

"Thats fine...we can wait...while we get reacquainted with this wonderful place." Natsumi said snorting at her final comment.

"Speaking of acquaintance, that reminds never told us what exactly your relationship is" Yamato asked with a wry smile, pointing at the two demons..

The uninvolved parties smirked at the question, each secretly wanting to know but actually forgetting from all that was least everyone but a young Inuzuka heiress. She was concerned at both the question and possible answer. In truth she had hoped nothing but a close friendship was going on between the two demons. When she agreed to go on a date with Naruto the day before, unknown to him she was putting her final eggs in one basket as far as opening up her heart to anyone again. If things went south with, she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to emotionally recover after what happened in her past. She waited on bated breathe for the answer to Yamato's question.

Ascension of the Kitsune by Wandering MaverickМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя