"Sh-... Shadow..." It took him a minute to process it.

Your voice.

He stared at you with wide eyes, unable to believe what he'd just heard.

A few seconds of silence, before he moved, kneeling before you.

He kissed your hands ever so gently, and smiled to you, urging you to do the same.

You'd worked hard in order to be able to speak again. Getting over tall hurdles, though you had lots of support, so you knew you'd get there one day.

And now, you were there.

Well, your voice was still quiet, but you'd spoken! That was huge in it of itself.

"I've missed your voice..." He spoke softly, his heart melting at the mere sound of you.

You held him close, stroking his quills, a soft smile on your lips.

You had wanted him to be the first to hear. That was your biggest wish.

And you'd just gotten it granted.

Amy returned home later.

She'd bought three bags of groceries and other supplies, and you wondered how she'd carried it home.

Then remembered she wielded a giant hammer, your question answered.

You seemed excited about something as you helped her unpack, biting your lip, and smiling more than usual, something Amy was quick to pick up on.

She initially figured it was something to do with Shadow, which wasn't far from the truth, but she soon had her answer.

Once done with the unpacking, you lightly tugged on her dress.

"What is it, Y/N?" She asked, watching as you opened your mouth.

"Amy." She was quicker to respond than Shadow'd been, quickly wrapping her arms around you, giving you a tight hug.

"You can talk!!" She cheered, almost seeming more excited than you were. But you were happy she shared your joy.

You couldn't quite make the longest sentences, but your efforts were celebrated nonetheless.

Two days before she left, Amy threw a party.

Naturally, only your shared friends were invited, including Shadow.

He didn't seem too keen on partying, but went nonetheless, if it meant he'd get to see you smile.

There were snacks, drinks, games and, of course, silly party hats.

You got the red one, which you happily wore, and the others tried forcing a hat on Shadow, but ultimately failed as he dodging them, and if they did manage to put it on, he just instantly took it off.

"Fools." You laughed at this, finding it rather funny. He was a grump, but you never minded that.

You were eager to take part in the various games that were being played, such as board games and video games (which you frankly sucked at, but hey, you tried), both of which you thoroughly enjoyed.

You even won a game of monopoly!

Overall, a successful evening, even if Shadow was being his usual killjoy self.

You went to bed tired, yet happy, a beaming smile on your lips as you nuzzled against Shadow's chest, always finding yourself feeling safe with him.

"Thank you..." You quietly said, quickly beginning to drift off.

(Sonic Boom) Shadow x Reader (Obsessed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora