have a mem

104 4 1

Gavin: She got dem apple bottom jeans!

Gavin: Boots with the fur!

Gavin: The whole club be lookin at her!

 Gavin: She hit the flo-

Gavin's mom: GAVIN!!!

Gavin: What?!

Gavin's mom: Did you sleep with your professor?!?!?

Gavin: What?

Gavin's mom: Did you sleep!

Gavin's mom: With your goddamn professor?!?

Gavin: Lasko?!?

Gavin's mom: YES!!!!

Gavin: yea

Gavin's mom: ...

Gavin's mom: I'm proud of you ☺

asmr crackfic :) :PΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα