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These are the words that I never could say

The ones kept secret as they drove me crazy

I could try to hide it which I've already done

I can pretend they aren't there which didn't work the first time

I don't know how but you made me like you

It was just the little things you did everyday nothing special

The way you laughed

The way you always gave the best hugs

How nice you were when we met

The way you always knew how to make me laugh

My heart races at least ten times faster

I try not to say anything but you drive me wild

I can't stop thinking about you

I always want you around

I've never felt this way before and it drives me mad

You've made me cry, and laugh

You've made me happy in ways I didn't think were possible

You're no different from my other friends

But something about you draws me in and drives me crazy

I don't know why but it does

I know we won't be together but it won't go away

Stuff written  by meWhere stories live. Discover now