chpateer one

155 11 8

A thfight
Its okay tho cause even tho the ladds where beating the holy heaven out of the young boy the holy heaven gave way for will wood and he came down like hello and stood there watching the scene, some say he didnt care but the boy was like oh my heavenly father  its a sign and thus the boy got up and grabbed a bit from a house and tour it off the wall, it was the gutter, and started beating the lads with it until they were dead. Will wood stood there. The boy, tired, walked home, ready to tell his mum of his holy encounter and about being beaten up by a gang. It was all a dream tho and he woke up to the real world where will wood stood at the end of the hospital bed. (evidence below)(true story) the boy cried. Oh dear if only he knew how to fight he couldve lived. And got up and walked to the door, and there stood will wood. (he wasnt by the bed anymore ive decided) WIlliam wood stood there. Little martin walked down the hall, he didnt know how to get to heaven. He went into the garden outside the hospital and sat on a bench with will wood. For the first time he spoke the words, i know who killed you. Little martin looked up from his dismay “who?” “it was neil cicierega, he was filming a music video for hit song knife fight but accidently killed you, hes running from the police and your body is now in a cabinet in a arcade and hes making a song about you. Gonna make money off youre death lol, what are going to do?” martin was flabberghasted. He was once of niel ciciergas biggest fans but due to his amnesia he forgot the fight was for a music video and violently stabbed niel cicierega. “Im going to aplogise cause i accidently stabbed him while filming a music video so im gonna apologise so i can go to heaven!” Martin got up with enthesiuasm and boldly strutted out of the hospital with such stoic stance he marched to the arcade where he would find niel cicirega and settle theyre debate. Will christ followed to the arcade where niel cicierga was playing mario kart on the nintendo 64. he gasped as they walked in and turned around to face little martin and will wood who stood there. “what, what are you doing here?” neil took out a knife defending himself from the soul that was in front of him, martin putting his hands up “its okay niel im here to appologise for attacking you, i have amnesia you see and i forgot what was happening.” “LAIR” niel shouted. he was quaking in his boots right now and was probably prediposed to madness. martin stepped forward but was knocked out by something solid and hard and not, natural? his head felt like tv static when he woke up, and he looked around. he was back in the hospital with will wood stood in front of him. as a former fan of zoinky splionk, he did not question the reality of the situation. “am i relooping life? it only makes sense im back on my death bed.” “no lol you just got clarted and now were actually in the past again with the one time you fell over and got your leg infested with worms. but your dead body still exists and i dont think its doing too many good things.” martin sighed and was about to cry from knowing a big big adventure was in front of him. “im sad, depressed some might say…” “now now martin, lets not start faking mental illnesses.” “but i have parkingsons” “okay i dont care lets get going” martin got up and put his fresh jordons on, non creased, the ones that didnt get infested with worms, and did a little jog to get going on his journey. martin first headed home so he could tell his mother the new about the fact that THEE niel cicierega killed him and is using his dead rotting corspe to try and take over the world and that will wood was there to watch. his mother wasnt the best person to tell as despite will wood standing in her kitchen, she got very extremeally angry at little martin and kicked him out muttering ever since the accident. martin sighed. he did even have anywhere to sleep. he was a homeless boy with parkingsons and amnesia with a man who did nothing but stand about. Martin new key to ssurvival was food so he ran to the tescos on the corner of the street, kneeling over, he pulled out a dollar from inside his shoe “for save keepings” will stared “i dont care” they entered the shop and looked at asda smart price noodles. 14 pence a packet, a bargain for sure. they got seven packet and headed out to look for neil cicierga. Dusk was approaching and little martin grew more weary every second, infact every second martin was groawing more weary. the sky was getting dark ever so dark and things were getting dangerous. who knew what could happen if they stayed out any longer. martin swiffled around to the noise of a heavy clanging noise. will wood was lifting up a man hole cover. “what, its where i live ever since my friend died in a car crash and i lost all access to his house and it got sold.” “But its stinky.” “youre stinky, get in” martin went into the sewer and will wood followed in after, closing the enterence to williams humble abode. for the majority of the time they were walking down random tunnels of smelk, while will wood tried to remember where he lived. Eventually, they found it and it was a small little pile a stuff that helped for comfort mostly. they both rested until suddenly they were woken up by a big mechanical tv weilding floppy pipes like a drowning squid suffocating in slime. they both jumped up like zoinkers scoobs! and looked up at the snaids ridden nikolodeon brutally weilding construction pipes tv monster. “welp thats not good is it now, i think we should run?” “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE ITS GONNA KILL US WE AINT GOT TIME TO JOG!” “lol okay.” then it fucking died because there was a rat and he span in like from lego masters of spin jitsu and fucking killed it bacuse hes a green ninja and they fucking died and it was a rat a really cool rat and it was epic and it was a rat. will wood stood there. “omg its mr boy” and the rat asembled and skuttered and was a rat. (image provided below). 

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niel cicirega is a murderer and will wood is jesus a story of little martinWhere stories live. Discover now