
"She's happy now." Sana says with conviction, "She's happy with her life and I don't want to ruin that again..but, even though I don't have the right to..or deserve to, I need to. The thought of never seeing her again is scary..and that 1 hour that I do see her, it puts my heart at ease. Can't I do that? Can you let me have that 1 hour?"

"Why are you asking me for permission?" Nayeon asks, her voice soft, seeing a glimpse of her true friend in the cracks of her mask.

"Because Mina's eyes shine when she talks about you."


"Your family also approves of her."


"Being with you won't bring her pain..won't hurt her and I know you'll protect her and give her all the love she deserves."

"You're still an idiot I see." Nayeon chuckles.


"Mina's not a toy Sana..she's not a toy for us to give to one another."

"I know, but I don't think I can trust her with anyone else but you."

"So you'll be okay with it? If Mina and I get married?"


"Mhm..if I asked her to marry me, would you be okay with it?"


"If you still love her, stop holding back..fight for her, for the two of you."

"You love her, why would you say that to me? Isn't this situation favourable to you?"

"I do. I love her a lot." Nayeon admits those words out loud for the first time, "That's why I'm telling you this. I love her and I want her to be with the person she misses the most, even though she doesn't realise exactly what she's looking for."


"I told you right?" Nayeon smiles at her best friend, "I just want you two to be happy. So please, don't.." Nayeon tears up, "Please don't hurt yourselves anymore."

~ ~ ~ ~


"Huh?" Mina looks up from the ramen she was eating, surprised.

"My name..it's actually Sana, not Candy."

"Oh. Then why did you lie?"

"Minatozaki Sana. That's my full name." Sana says, seeing the gears in Mina's mind putting the pieces together.

"Uh..That Minatozaki?" Mina asks uncertainly and Sana nods.

"Yes..that family in particular."

"I see..well I can see why you hid your identity." Mina nods.

"I'm sorry..I just.."

"Sana..it's fine. You don't have to explain."

"No I really do, because I.."

"Nayeon already told me." Mina interrupts.


"I knew you before, right? She said we were close."

"She did?"

"Mhm, I wanted to talk to you right away and ask you all kinds of questions like why did you lie and pretend not to me, but she said you have your reason."

"You trust her that much?"

"Of course. I'd trust her with my life, you know."

"You care for her a lot?"

"Yes, but not in the way you think."

"You don't need to clarify."

"I know, but I somehow felt like I had to."

"Well, uhm with that said..is it okay? I mean.." Sana stutters, taking a breath to compose herself, "Can I get your number? Maybe we can hang out in the daylight for once?"

Mina chuckles at this, finding the girl in front of her adorable

"Satang.." the nickname escapes Mina's lips, surprising the two, "Wha...what did.." Sana stutters.

"I don't know it just came out, I'm sorry...I don.."

"You called me that before." Sana interrupts.

"Satang." Mina says it again, testing the name, feeling an odd sense of comfort as the name rolls off her tongue.

"Mitang." Sana smiles widely, "I'm home."

"Eh?" Mina was confused.

"I just..felt like saying it." Sana laughs, feeling the heavy feeling in her chest finally leave.

The two sat there for hours that Thursday night. Talking until the sun began to rise. And although Mina may not remember, that's okay because Sana knows, they'll find their way back to each other.

From now on..I'll do it right Mitang..I promise you, from now on I'll fight and I won't let you get hurt anymore.

~ ~ ~ ~

A/n: THE END! This will end here because I don't want to draw it out anymore.

The next one might be Minayeon or Misana who knows...we shall see.

Till next time.


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