my feet barely grazing the ground

401 7 6

ok, so, disclaimer: this is an au where Teru is a wandering exorcist. like, when he graduates high school, but stays as an exorcist and gives up on all hopes of a normal life and stuff. he occasionally returns to meet up with kou and tiara, but when he does, it doesn't feel like he belongs.

essentially, this has been chilling rent-free in my head for some time, so you're forced to deal with it :') 


There is an unwritten law in the subway, it seems. No matter how crowded the train may be, the only sound made is the slight rustling of clothing, the clicking and tapping of phones, and the rush of the train. Whenever a voice calls out, it seems to permeate - too obvious, too raw, too loud.

Be it surrounded by many people or alone, in the subway, it does not make a difference.

So as I sit in that cold train, moving to a place even I don't know where, I don't feel an unbearable feeling of loneliness as I look outside at the city rushing past. The tall buildings attempt to brush the sky, but as I look at the star, I know that they will never be able to. I place my face against the window, listening to the hum of the train resonate, the loud screech as the train comes to a stop, the robotically cheerful voice calling out the stop, opening doors that no one will come through.

I am a wanderer, never tethered to one spot. It is not a particularly enjoyable lifestyle, but I can't seem to be chained down to the Earth. One of three constants in my life - the eerie silence of the train, the hum of the overused wheels on the tracks. Memories of sitting around a table with family around me fade in and out of sight, ever elusive - reaching towards me as it to pull me to the ground, then receding. 

As I rest my head against the cold glass, sleep overtakes me, and I find myself in a dream in the train, with you.

We sit across from each other in the empty train, and we do not speak. Even though it has been so long, even though I wish to call out your name, I do not.

You are tethered, earth-bound, happy and whole in one place.

I am gone with the wind, my feet barely grazing the ground, empty no matter where I am.

Sometimes I envy you, but I know that even if I was in your position, I would not be tethered for long. 

But that's fine.

As I wake up, I look up at the location of the train. I am somewhere that even I don't recognize, but I exit nonetheless, walking through the near-empty streets, fingers curled around a katana. The second of three constants in my life - the quietly loud shing of my katana as I pull it from its sheath, the blade an arc of lightning before me.

Purposely purposeless.

Purposelessly purposeful.

I'm not sure what I am.

The third of the three constants in my life - my discontentment, and the knowledge that I forever will be.

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