chapter 5

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Third person POV:


They all are awake and eat their breakfast and  all of them go to their school.

*At school*

Ha-ri go to archery room while the others go to their class

Ha-ri POV:

I'm looking at the Archery room I'm with min-jae we're looking our surrounding we didn't see anyone even the coach

Mi-jin POV:

We're here at class ms. park is teaching  i look around cause i heard a sound i look at the other and ms. Park
I think they heard it too and we all got shook cause someone slam the door of our room we look at him

"Are you ok? What happened?"Ms park said to the boy and the boy look at him

"The other students biting each other ms. Park"the boy  said and ms. Park look at the window we look at it too and the boy said is true

"Ok students calm down I'm going there and you guys stay here ok?"ms. Park said and the students look at each other

"Ma'am it's dangerous outside we can't go there"nam-ra said and her friends stand up too

"Nam-ra is right ma'am we can't go outside even you ms. park"her friends said

"Students listen to me I'm going outside to see what's happening I'm going back too so stay calm"ms. Park said ms. Park was about to open the door but nam-ra stop her

"Ms. Park you can't look at the outside their biting each other and look like their turning into zombie or something" nam-ra said and pointing the students who are biting each other and we look at it

"If we got bite were turning into one of them we can't let that happened if one of us got bite it's going to be hard to us to get out of here look at the other side of the window their so many so we can't risk anyone of us"nam-ra said again

"She's right ms. Park"i said and the nod

"We need to have a plan to warning the other survivor student or teacher"nam-ra said and we nod

"We need to go to radio room"nam-ra said again we're planning to go to radio room when the door open and we look at who it is it's our coach

"Coach?"all the students said

"We need to block the door so that no one can come in"coach said and we nod the boys start to block the door while we girls planing how to go to radio room

We look at i-sak who is staring at coach

"What's the matter i-sak"i said and our friends come to us and look at i-sak

"Coach have a bite mark on his arms"i-sak said to us and we look at were i-sak pointing it and it's true coach have a bite mark

"Coach"we said and the other look at us even the other planing to go to radio room

"What are standing there help the other"coach said

"Coach have a bite mark on his arms"on-jo said and everyone look at him and they see  and her nose start to bleed and start to attack us the other strat to unblock the door way and they did but one of our classmate got bite we start to run and there are so many zombie chasing us

We go upstairs and start running straight to hallway but there was a zombie and we start to run upstairs

Cheong-san POV:

We start to run and i look at su-hyeok i was about to help him but he stop me

"Stop go to the science lab" su-hyeok said and I nod and run i see the other are there

the students and the Archery mi-jin x ha-riWhere stories live. Discover now