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The movie "Luca" is owned by Disney and Pixar.

This is an aged up story but no smut involved!

Y/N  Madrigal is a new family member on
Pepa's sides. Camil's
and Dolores's little
sister after Antonio.
so the story will be
kind of Encanto crossover.

I do not own anything except a slightly storyline changed and y/n.

Y/N is an foreign exchange student
in this summer they
had stayed here in
Italy due fashion
design with their
auntie,an unexpected
accident made them
get to know to Luca,
Giulia and Alberto.
and fall in love with
the Italian"seamonster"
Alberto Scorfano,the
seamonster everyone
was afraid of.during
the middle of the adventure Luca and
Alberto had a fight
tearing apart their
reason is Luca is
getting more closer
to Giulia,Y/N sees
his worries,trying
to help him,end up
Giulia and Y/N teams
up fixed the friendship
between the boys,
Giulia started to
have relationship
with Luca so does
Alberto with Y/N
and they made people
accepts the existence
of the seamonsters,
defeated Ercole

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