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Kylie Jenner the mom is pregnant and doesn't want to tell her mother Thanos cuz mother Thanos said you have to be married before you get pregnant.
So she got married to daddy Mr Clean.Kylie Jenners mom said YOU BE LOOKING FAT. Kylie Jenner said to her mom IM PREGNANT AND AT LEAST I DON'T LOOK LIKE SHREK YOU UGLY BITCH. YOU BETTER SAY GOODBYE CUZ I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN SHREK FACE.Kylies sister Patty Boyd has a very surprised look on her face at the moment not even Patty new Kylie Jenner was pregnant. So Kylie Jenner went to Canada with her husband Mr clean.
The mother followed them in disguise the next day the mother Thanos knocked on the mother Kylie Jenner's door this guy doesn't mailman why Kylie opened her mail up Thanos snuck through the back door Kylie caught Thanos and put Thanos in her attic for two years. OMG OMG MR CLEAN BABY MY WATER BROKE TAKE ME TO A HOSPITAL. Mr clean says do I really have to I don't want to I'm eating my nachos and watching mad Men. TAKE ME TO A HOSPITAL NOW YOU FAT ASS YOU CAN FINISH YOUR NACHOS LATER I'M IN PAIN TAKE ME TO A DOCTOR said Kylie Jenner. about 5 hours later Kylie Jenner gives birth to drum roll please grr from Invader's zim. ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME GRR LOOKS NOTHING LIKE US. EXCUSE ME HOW RUDE SAID GRR. NO OFFENSE GIRL BUT YOU LOOK LIKE AN ALIEN WHO HAS EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA. I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT SAID GRR. Ok we need to calm down said Kylie. okay you guys will be able to go home in 2 days said Doctor Abed. Two Days later they're home in daddy Mr clean Mr clean goes in the Attic and finds mommy Thanos.Mommy Thanos is hitting on him. Daddy Mr clean says that ain't happening. Mommy Kylie comes in and said you weren't supposed to see that I kidnapped my mother
Oh I don't care she deserves staying up here he was quite rude said Daddy Mr clean.seven years later grrs a big boy so Daddy Mr clean mommy Kylie Jenner and Grr go see a movie about Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Daddy Mr clean goes they be looking kind of cute though. MOMMY KYLIE JENNER GOES OMG ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME OR ARE YOU JUST GAY.Im so sorry I didn't tell you all this time but now you know I am gay I'm going to court next week to get custody. a week later Kylie Jenner the mom gets custody of her.After 8 years husband Rick from Rick and Morty finally noticed that his wife Thanos was missing.Him and his daughter Kylie Jenner we're still very good friends so he asked her for the address so he could come visit.but Kylie Jenner went to use the bathroom he looked in the attic and found her he said after all these years you just abandoned me we're getting a divorce and then they all died alone The end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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