Stupid Dagger!

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"Fine, but if it goes wrong, summon me," I pulled my dagger out and handed it to her. She nodded and told me to stay in the woods where it was safe, and she walked away with Red and my dagger. Now I just have to wait and see what Rumpelstiltskin wants from my friend. I really hope the rumors were wrong because if they aren't then Snow is walking into trouble because she is going to meet the Dark One or as others would call him my mortal enemy, since apparently, I might be the Light One. Whatever that is.

–[Real World]–

It was after school, and it looked like it was about to storm so I was helping Emma pack up storm supplies.

Regina walked towards us, and Emma decided to speak up before she could, "If you're looking to blame me for the storm, I think you're taking things a bit far now."

"I need you to look into something, Sheriff. Someone's in town – someone new," Regina said.

"Wow someone new in town? What shocker, it's totally wrong for someone new to come into a town that literally has a bed and breakfast for that reason," I told Regina with as much sarcasm as I could muster because we both know that new people basically never came. "And for your information we both already knew because Emma gave him directions to said bed and breakfast yesterday when he arrived."

Regina glared at me and the turned her attention to Emma, "You talked to him? What'd he say?"

"He asked for directions. What's the big deal? Who is he?" Emma asked.

"I don't know. I asked around, but no one seems to know anything. There's something about him. Something familiar."

"He must be one of the untold millions you cursed," Emma joked.

"What?" I had to hold in a laugh at Regina's shock.

"Oh, you know. The curse. Veronica and Henry's whole thing."

"Sheriff, I need you to find out who he is, what he wants and what he's doing here."

"You know, as hard as you tried to find one in my case, there is no law against visiting Storybrooke." Yep.

"This isn't about the law, Miss Swan. You're going to do this because I asked you to. And because you'll see it's the right thing to do."

"And why is that?"

"Because he was in front of my house. Taking a particular interest in the one thing we all care about – Henry." And that's all it took for both Emma and I to be all into figuring out who he is.

"I'll look into him," both Emma and I said at the same time. We both stared at each other for a second. Then we looked at Regina and nodded, "We'll look into him."

–[Fairy Tale World]–

I was just relaxing when I felt a familiar tug at my core and I knew Snow was summoning me, I just hoped everything was alright.

I poofed right next to her and saw her looking down, at a what looked like a letter, longingly.

"He wants to be with me," she whispered.

I stared at her wide eyed, "Finally! Charming finally got the guts to speak up. Dang. I didn't expect that. I hoped but didn't expect."

She looked up and smiled at me and I knew she was happy, and I also knew that our next step would be to get into the castle to see him.


Snow and I were both wearing hoods and were standing outside the castle walls. I looked at Snow, "Okay this is how we're going to do this. I'll poof us a little away from his door. Then I'll hide outside the door and wait for you two to be ready to go. You'll knock on his door and make a dramatic entrance for him and all that. Then we all run away and live happily ever after, with you two as an amazing couple and me as your awkward third wheel."

The Light One (Once Upon a Time)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant