prolouge part 2

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Spongebob: (as I walk out of the infirmary I notice a big red door I try to open it but it won't budge)

???: don't bother sumo already tried to open it it won't open

Spongebob: ( I look to my right and see three kids one kid with a green shirt, another who has a square head, and a third one who's bald)

Sumo?: yeah I already tried it won't open

Kid with green shirt: well maybe we're not trying hard enough

Square head: clarence just stop it's not going to open

Clarence?: well maybe if we believe hard enough-


sumo?: woah Jeff calm down

Jeff?: *deep breath* ugh look I'm sorry guys it's just I'm so stressed cuz I have no idea how we got here or where we are

Spongebob: umm would you guys mind introducing yourselves?

Jeff?: oh right forgot you were here well my name is Jeff and believe it or not I'm the ultimate climber

Jeff?: oh right forgot you were here well my name is Jeff and believe it or not I'm the ultimate climber

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Clarence?: and I'm Clarence, ultimate friend nice to meet you

Clarence?: and I'm Clarence, ultimate friend nice to meet you

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Sumo?: and I'm sumo the ultimate animal wrangler

Sumo?: and I'm sumo the ultimate animal wrangler

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