🦎🦊Ghostfox x Nightcrawler

Start from the beginning

"Your so dead!" One of them shouted as they pointed a rifle at me. Suddenly something rammed them down and flung them into the same crystal I was clinging onto, just when they had managed to look up and dark grey goo was spreading all over they're body. In panic they tried to escape but it only dragged them back in. The other human looked at the dark figure that had caused it and shot at them multiple times only to be grabbed by the jaw and lifted into the air I managed to get a closer look to see it was a Nightcrawler! I saw them turn they're head to me and then back at the human before digging their fingers in the humans mouth and splitting their jaw in half as blood splattered all over them, the human fell limp as the Nightcrawler released them and they dropped to the ground as a pool of blood leaked around them. Seeing as it was most likely safe now I let go of the crystal and landed on my own chest as a bit of blood still dropped from my wounds. I didn't have any plans to approach this thing or even thank it! It most likely wasn't even trying to save me! It was just trying to find some more sport into murdering people. Just when I was about to make my exit the Nightcrawler looked directly at me with a smirk on it's face.

"Oh come on! No thank you?" They said teasingly as they lifted up the corpse once again and waved it at me. My nose wrinkled at the smell and sight of it, I've seen a dead body before but never this brutalized and bloody murdered.

"I saved you a snack!" They said cheerfully. Yeah there is no way I was going to eat that. I was this close to lashing out at them for even wanting to do something like that but on the other hand I think they're trying to be nice? I pushed the body away with a finger and attempted to touch the only spot that didn't have down gore or blood.

"Yeah no thanks..." I mumble as I continue to hold onto my arm. It didn't hurt as bad now and I'm sure it'd heal fine since the whole gootraxian thing there's not really even a slight risk of infection. The Nightcrawler tilted it's head before shrugging and biting into the corpses arm and eating some of it, casually just eating away on this poor victim. I felt pretty grossed out as I squeezed my arm ever so tightly before moving away from them I think even at the slightest chance of me leaving they'd jump up and kill me even worst then the other two guys. That does remind me... I look at the crystal again to see that the second guy was completely submerged in it, I was thinking that it was turning them into a gootrax called Panther of some sorts. Panthers aren't very nice to me, or anyone for that matter. I looked back to the Nightcrawler and they were casually wiping blood off of they're lips while staring at me, at least I thought they were it's hard to tell with those goggles. They happily waved at me. They're acting a bit strange for a thing of they're strength and mobility most of all they're initial personality that a Nightcrawler would normally have, I gave them a small wave back nonetheless. They stood up and walked over before sitting beside me with a smile.

"Sooo what are you doing down here?" They asked. I tilted my head slightly and gave them a small glare.

"Down.... Here? What do you mean by that?" I say with a quiet tone. They looked at me like I had already known what they were talking about and that I was just acting stupid, but they asked that question as if I were a human that didn't quite belong down here and I was oblivious to this places nature. 

"Aren't you dead or somethin?" They huffed as they looked the other direction.... Maybe... Otherwise I found that statement to be very offensive! I didn't see my self as some actual spirituated ghost just because I can walk through people and turn invisible. I cross my arms and turn away from them with an annoyed face, they looked rather confused but ignored it.

"Just because I can walk through people and turn invisible doesn't mean I'm necessarily a ghost." A mumble. They looked towards me and lowered their goggles to their neck to the point where I could actually see they're eyes, rather then the hideous murder machine I thought I had seen before they look like an adorable ordinary pet lizard with those glasses off.

"Can you fly?" They ask as they're eyes lit up. "I wanna fly!" They added as they look up to the ceiling. 

"You can't fly?- Wait- What? No! I can't fly!" I exclaim. I thought Nightcrawlers had every ability a person could never think a lizard could have, like flying. I guess I was wrong that sucks though I really wanted to see a talking reptile fly. They frowned and looked back to me in disappointment.

"Your not a ghost then." They said as they put a finger to they're chin. I gave them a 'told ya' like look before looking into the distance once again.

"I thought you could fly." I added on to the conversation. They replied to that with a small chuckle before going quiet again. The power suddenly came back on and I squinted my eyes because of the sudden flashbang, I need to start getting used to that. The Nightcrawler held they're eyes and hissed loudly before mumbling curses to it self and flipping it's goggles back onto it's face.

"Stupid lights! I'm getting out of here!" They shouted as they began running into the darker parts of caves. I gave them a small wave before they're purple light faded off and I presumed they had gone.

Hopefully I'll get to see them again, blackouts don't happen very often and this is the first time one had happened in months time! But I'm sure we'll meet again, I hope we'll meet again.

That one was long, y'all please do not complain about your request being shorter then someone else's. It's a book and sometimes I have more ideas for specific request so just, don't. I hope whoever had requested this enjoys in though and I hope you guys did to because I'm going to take a small break. Requests are now reopened!

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