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The bar was alive with the buzz of animated conversation as the door opened and in came the stranger.

Perhaps if the planet had not been such a common stopping point for travelers on their way to the outer rim, the normal patrons of the bar would have spared the peculiarly dressed woman more than a passing glance.

But as it was, they ignored her, as they ignored all pesky travelers.

The bartender, however, a human named Kingsley, could not stop his curious eyes from examining the woman.

It wasn't everyday he got the pleasure of interacting with his own species.

His eyes lingered on the armor she wore. It was golden with intricately detailed scaled patterns across the legs and arms, thicker armor at her torso, with a high neck and shoulder blades of smooth golden metal.

He eyed the blaster strapped to her thigh, sure that less visible weapons were present on her person.

He was hardly phased, though most others would be. If she were a traveler heading to the outer rim, she most certainly would need such weapons.

It was a lawless land.

Kingsley's curiosity was on high alert as he approached the now seated woman.

"What can I get for you?"

"Jawa Juice," the woman replied. Her eyes scaled the occupants of the bar, hardly sparing a glance at the bartender.

"Right away."

Kingsley returned moments later, sliding the orange drink across the bar top.

The woman's eyes still bounced from face to face.

"Expecting someone?" Kingsley asked, conversationally.

The woman kept her lips in the grim line they'd been set in since her arrival.

"Something like that," she replied flatly.

She picked up her drink, taking a long sip, nodding dismissively at the bartender, who obliged.

* * *

Bellona quickly came to the conclusion that the rodian most certainly had a death wish...or was simply very stupid. The latter being, most likely, true.

Anyone with a bounty on their head would surely do their best to avoid the public eye.

And yet, here he was.

The Rodian had the decency to look wary as he strolled his way to a seat in the sea of tables, across from him, a female zabrak.

Upon his sitting down, the rodian wrung his hands, knee bouncing with anxiety. This visibly annoyed the impatient zabrak, who hissed something at the rodian, causing him to stall his knee and gulp loudly.

Won't be long now, Bellona thought.

The doors to the bar opened once more.

Bellona kept her eyes trained on the rodian and zabrak.

In fact, if her peripheral vision weren't so well trained, she would not have been aware of the man approaching her bounty until it was too late.

He was clad, as she was told he would be, in shiny silver armor that hid his face behind a large, strangely shaped helmet.

She had little time to be in awe. The Mandalorian quickly swept his way through the sea of tables.

Bellona followed suit, reaching the opposite end of the table, behind the seated zabrak.

She drew her blaster, pointing it against the back of the zabrak's skull, then when the message was clear, at the rodian.

"Make a move, and I'll blow your brains out," she threatened.

The rodian let out a pathetic whimper. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as she looked up at her fellow bounty hunter.

Not to her surprise, his blaster was trained on her.

Still, she would not back down. She kept her own trained on her target: the rodian.

"These are my fugitives. I've been tracking the rodian for a fortnight."

A moment passed. No words.

The silence in the bar was deafening. She began to wonder whether the Mandalorian would speak.


"I found him in a little over two days." A flat response.

"Gee, what do you want? A medal?"

The patrons of the bar sat frozen.

"I was hired to bring the rodian in - dead or alive."

The rodian whimpered at this.

Bellona shot him a look of such mirth, the sound was cut short.

"As was I. Dead or alive."

The sound of a weapon cocking caused both bounty hunters to turn towards the bar.

The bartender stood behind the bar top, holding a large weapon.

His face was twisted with annoyance.

"Both of you." he growled. "Out."

In a matter of a split second, the Mandalorian pointed his weapon at the bartender, shooting.

The bartender shot back.

The bar exploded with chaos.

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