𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐮𝐮 || 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞

Magsimula sa umpisa

"But my Kin--"

"(Y/N), you haven't rested or anything and I want to actually have a day with you," He cuts me off, not wanting to hear me out. "You're general basically, one of my best......so you need you rest."

"But shouldn't you be finding a wife? Wasn't that one of your duties today?"

A dark shadow forms within his eyes, glancing away with his hand tightly holding my wrist.

"Don't really want to think about it now, how about we head to the pergola out back?" he suggests. "You go back to your assigned chambers and change, meet me there in a few alright?"

Why was he acting so weird? He was meant to find a wife today, because soon people are gonna overtake us if we can't find a stable kingdom. Raising more military was alright and the dragons helping, but........why was he asking me to knock off my own duties?

Bowing politely, I dawned upon his instruction.

"Yes......My King,"

He gives me a soft smile, the light reaches back into his violet eyes.

"Thank you,"


Walking down the steps towards the pergola, as I dust my best clothing. Wearing a simple dress, that falls just below my knees. The collar overlaps, with a band around my waist. Finally making my way down, I saw him sitting down gazing out to the lands of his kingdom. Approaching him politely, I bow before him.

"My King,"

Our eyes meet for a moment, as he pats the very spot beside him.


Slightly hesitant at first I make my way over and sat slowly beside him, before following his gaze to the land in view. He soft sighs realising how comfortable he was to be around, especially all alone just me without my armour as usual.

"You know..........my love for these people kept me upon this earth," he breaks the silence, making me see the tender love within his eyes. "A King cannot rule a land just for himself........a kingdom isn't a kingdom without his people, because they're who what makes him love his land and the companionship."

"I will agree with you there," I muse softly, feeling the sun kissing my skin.

"But........a king shouldn't be alone, but with a Queen who will share the same views and love for her people,"

My lips purse firmly together, as my hands wrap around myself.

"Well, we're trying to find someone that will be suitable for you my King," I began. "I've order some men to find suitable wives for you.........all they've wanted was to have the gold.......the riches......."

He chuckles softly, shaking his head.

"As every human being should, it's natural to have that urge to reach for money,"

Standing up I pace around before standing before him, my hands tighten.

"I'm sorry for not finding someone yet, but soon we shall find on--"

He suddenly approaches me with a hand snaking around my waist, and his other cupping my cheek while gazing into my eyes. My breath hitches in my throat, seeing him softly smile. His violet eyes grew lighter in shade, before his thumb strokes my cheek gingerly.

"I've already found the one," he whispers, his voice deepens "From the moment I saw you fight those men for me when I was at my lowest, you defended me. I saw a fire igniting within your heart, a woman I've never seen with such courage and skill."

"M-My King....I'm not worthy to--"

He soon cups my face with both hands, his nose brushing against mine.

"You have proven your loyalty, you've lighten a spark within my own heart to keep moving," He breaths out, sincereness lacing his voice. "I've always loved you from the start, as a pupil but now.......as a woman before me."

Warm tears roll down, still questioning while he loves me.

"M-My King," I sob, lowering my head to the ground, pulling from his grasp.

He tilts my chin back up meeting his eyes, while he wipes my tears away. He leans closer before resting his forehead against my own, fluttering his eyes closed.

"You're more than just a guard, you're more than what you see yourself as," He sternly says, his warm breath fans against my face gingerly. "Because you're (Y/N), whom I wish to marry as my Queen."

Soon warm lips capture my own, causing my eyes to slowly widen before another silent tear rolls down. My eyebrows hike together feeling more tears flowing, before fluttering shut as our lips move together. My hands subconsciously run up his torso to his neck, wrapping it around pulling him closer. A deep chuckle rumbles in his throat, while the taste of salty tears mix between us. He breathes heavily through his nose, the same I do before our kiss grew more feverish.

The love I carried for him, finally was able to be reciprocated.

He pulls away for a moment as he attaches his lips against my neck, while tilting my neck head back giving him access. My hands grip onto his robe, while his lips tenderly press a soft spot before biting down. Feeling his dragon teeth meet my flesh for a moment, he suckles my skin lovingly while I try suppressing small moans.

"M-My K-King," I stammer, before he pulls away wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, got a bit ahead of myself......." he apologises, but I shook my head. 

"It's fine, I love you too," finally admitting my feeling, seeing a look of relief washing over his face. He soon leans down and presses a tender kiss to my temple, lingering there for a moment pushing my head away.

"Thank you, thank you so much," he whispers softly. "I know it's so sudden......I just, when you're ready to become my Queen....let me know okay?"

Nodding, I embrace him close to me.

"Thank you,"


A/N: Hey guys, thanks for reading. Requests are available, now when requesting just request straight away and tell me what you want okay? It makes it easier for me, so I know what I need to do. Thanks to those people finally requesting in this new book, it's been making me more motivated to make this book big and popular one day! Stay safe everyone!

~ Little Bean

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