Guarding the doors

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As I stood there in my heavy, shiny suit of armor, I was thinking to myself of how I ever got stuck with this deadbeat job in the first place. I graduated with flying colors in all my attempts of becoming one of these stupid knights. But all I got to do was stand I front of this giant locked door, and wait for the king to get finished with his meetings to be over
As I looked over my shoulder, I saw my friend, and fellow guard. His name, was Gabe. As soon as he looked back at me, I could see a slight smile creep onto his face.

"Why are you so smiley all of a sudden," I asked him. He was usually a happy guy, but he would mostly only smile like this on really good occasions. "So, what is it?" I said to him.

As he started to open his mouth, I heard a little creak from the door opening and I gestured for him to shut up. As always, the king was the first to walk out. He was probably in his early 30s, but none of us were aloud to talk to him.

He had blonde hair, and beard, he wore a red robe most of the time. But the crown is what gets me. It was a gold crown that looked like he polished it every day, and a pattern that goes from ruby to sapphire in both sides. But what's in the middle is what gets me. In the middle of the crown is an emerald looking rock, but its not emerald at all. I've asked lots of other guards and servants what it was, but none of them knew.

As I was thinking about it, I couldn't here one of the guys from the meeting trying to get my attention.

"HELLO!" "Conner are you deaf?" I heard Gabe yelling in my ear. "Yeah, I am!"I yelled sarcastically back. "We need to get back to our room, our shift is over.

So I followed Gabe back to the room, and we walked in to get off the heavy suits of armor we were wearing. As I finally got my chest plate off, I asked Gabe why he kept smiling earlier. Then, as he looked at me, he started to smile again, and started to talk.


Hey guys, if you are just starting my book, I just wanted to tell you that the first couple of chapters are just for information, and might be a little boring,  but push through it because there are a lot of exciting parts about to happen in my book, but I hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I have had writing it, Poptra out.

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