Part 2

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St. Martin was one of the top most university in the country. The  richest of the rich student studied here. Mishika and Imlie were no  exceptions. Even though Guru was not as rich as his friends were, he was  brilliant in his studies. He was one of the scholarship students.  The  trio didn't have all the subjects in common. Guru took up Physics honors  while Mishika took up Information Technology and Imlie took up  Accountancy as her major subject.

"You look so hot in this skirt Imz. Where did you get it from?" Mishika gushed.

"I  have ordered this online. It was much cheaper online so I got two of  them. Only the prints are different. One for you and one for me." Imlie  and Mishika took the first bench and arranged their copies on the table.

"Who is that girl?" Mishika.

"OMG. What is she wearing?" Imlie enquired looking at the girl from head to toe.

"Probably a jute sack from Sabzi Mandi." Mishika laughed.

"I think she is a scholarship student."

"Girl,  this is not a village school, wear something sexy and come tomorrow or  else you will not be spared from funny nicknames. Boys are mean here."  Mishika mocked.

"Don't be a meanie, Mish. But I agree, she looks horrendous in that oversized salwar. What if we offer a makeover?"

"Oh please Imz, look at her. Whatever you do to her, she will always look like a behenji."

The  girl came and sat on the empty bench and kept her bag on her lap. Imlie  and Mishika were back to their business planning a sleepover during the  weekend when the professor entered. Mr Panday, their economic professor  was a man in his late fifties. He was one of the best economic  professors in the country. He is also said to be very strict and a  no-nonsense kind of person. Imlie needs to be in his good book whether  she likes him or not because economics is her weakest subject.


"Morning  Class" Mr Panday greeted us. Imlie was busy giving a reply to one of my  school friends. She looked up to greet him and was surprised to see a  young guy standing looking at us. He must be a third-year student, she  thought.

"Hi! handsome". Imlie crossed my legs and leaned on the desk.

The  guy looked at her and gave a ti her a tight-lipped smile. Well, that's  new. This is the first time a guy is oblivious to her flirting she  thought. Oh! come on Mr. fancy pants, you cannot get away with Imz  charms she thought in silence.

"I am your replacement economics teacher."

She  slapped her palm on the desk and stood up to sit on the desk crossing  her legs. "And I am the replacement dean." The whole class hooted and  whistled.

The guy crossed his arms. The action made his muscles  taut and pronounced. He was wearing a crisp white shirt and straight-fit  jeans. Man, he is gorgeous. Imz needs to know his name right now she  thought. "I don't remember you, coming to my cabin this morning to greet  me, Mr economics. Looks like I need to teach you courtesy". Imlie  hopped down from the desk and closed the gap between them. "My my, look  at you. How dare you to look this handsome?", Imlie looked at the class  and shouted. "Don't you think our economics professor looks like a  supermodel? Shame, that he is in the teaching profession." the whole  class hooted in affirmative. "Okay chalo maan lo (let's say) he is the  professor, I think something is missing. Where are your glasses? I  really think that you will look hotter if you wear those nerd-type  glasses. Imlie looked at him and walked back to her desk. "You know  what, you should have tried something different. You cannot bully us  with your old stupid method. Go and tell your friends that freshers are  smarter than what they expect and you are a fail, smart pants."

"Good Morning Batch 2022." An old man wearing a suit entered the class.

"Morning Sir." we greeted him.

"You are gone, Mr. Proferssor". Imlie gestured cutting the throat.

"Hello, Miss. Care to say what is happening?" Mr. Panday looked at Imlie.

Imlie  got up from the seat and greeted him once again. "Sir, apparently, he"  Imlie gestured towards the young guy, "Mr is the new replacement  Economics teacher." the whole class laughed once again.

"What do you think he is Miss..."

"Imlie, Sir. It's evident Sir, he is a third-year student who is trying to bully us. Look at him. He looks like a supermodel."

Mr.  Pandey started laughing so hand holding his belly. Well then, I am sure  you people are going to enjoy your economics class from now onwards  because ASR is going to be your replacement for economics." he said  patting Mr. Ecomonic's back.

Holy shit, Imlie thought. She messed it big time. She needed to be in the good books of the economics professor.

"Don't  enjoy your economics class too much as I am going to be back after six  months. See you all." With that, Mr. Panday left leaving behind the very  handsome ASR with them.

"I am Aryan Singh Rathore. And I hope I don't have to repeat myself. You all can call me ASR."

Wait, isn't he the guy who was there at my doorstep today in the mornings? Imlie thought. Holy Shit, he is...

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