Chapter 2 - Dandelions

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How was the first chapter? Not too bad I hope.

I didn't get any reviews, so I'm guessing that it was at least read-able right? Thanks Guys!

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After the sun had set, and the lovely family had eaten dinner, it was time to sleep.

"Papa Bear, will you come tuck Hiku and I into bed?" Miku begged. "Papa Bear" was one of the many nicknames that the twins called their father.

"There's a book Miku and I found. We were hoping that you'd read it to us as a bedtime story." Hiku added.

"Alright, alright. I'll read it." Usui finally gave in to the kids' request.

The story was about a dandelion. The dandelion had fallen in love with a beautiful rose, and for some strange reason, the rose had also fallen in love with the dandelion, even though it was a weed. They lived happily for what seemed like forever. But all of a sudden everything changed. The rose started to poison the dandelion. Almost as if it were an experiment to see how long the dandelion would last. The dandelion suffered until she was almost at the brink of death. The dandelion was contemplating whether she'd stay and suffer, or leave the love of her life with no where to go. But the book simply ended with a quote, "Happiness, you see, its just an illusion of Fate, a heavenly sleight of hand designed to make you believe in fairy tales. But there's no happily ever after."

The ending of the story didn't seem to bother Miku or Hiku. They were both aware that reality didn't always end in happy endings. However, the quote at the end had stumped both children. They didn't understand the meaning of it. However, Usui, on the other hand, understood the book. He understood every single word in the book, and it only made his heart sink further and further. Until he felt like it would just fall onto the marble floor and shatter.

Nonetheless, Miku wanted her father to praise them for finding a book in the castle, because Usui had read every single book in the palace. But he couldn't have read this book if it was hidden. "It was really really hard finding this book. It was hidden under the mattress of the master bedroom in the north wing of the castle. To make it ever more weird, the author of the book only uses her first name, 'Mi-."

"Did you say the north wing?!" Miku was cut off by her father. "Didn't I make myself clear when I said ' Do not enter the north wing, EVER' ?"

The twins were both on the brink of crying. Their father had never raised his voice at them, and he didn't think time. But the coldness of his voice was just plain scary. They never heard his voice like that.

Usui realized what effect the tone of his voice did to the twins. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. It's just very dangerous there. I'd rather have you stay away from there. It's just that I care about you guys too much," he explained. Their father's emerald eyes were no longer glistening like they were so used to. The green orbs looked like a never ending pool of green feelings. It wasn't love, or sadness. He looked hurt.

"I'm sorry daddy," Miku whispered.

"We won't do it again," Hiku added.

After a while, the kids were sleeping. Usui, feeling guilty, had stayed a bit longer to watch his angels sleep soundly.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want the same events to repeat," he mumbled as he quietly left out of the room.

Thats the end of chapter two!

Please leave me a review! I'd be happy to answer any questions :D

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