Chapter One

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The rest of this book will be by me only. And most of the book will be how I think the characters could best be shown. Just know that Hunter will be the main character for this book.


Chapter One

Hunter's P.O.V.

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. Shouldn't I be crying for the family that I just lost? Shouldn't I feel like I can't breathe because something was taken from me? I don't know. Maybe it has to do with I never felt connected to them.

They were shown to the world as my parents. But in my heart I've always felt that they held me at an icy distance. So no I didn't feel anything for my lost family. I've had time to think about this thing called love. And for Mr and Mrs. CoBet I felt nothing.

They've always let me know that I was adopted but not by them. By a long time friend that couldn't take care of a little girl anymore. They told me that I was left by this woman when I was just five. But they wouldn't tell me anything about the woman. Not even why she left me. So it left me to think that something was extremely wrong with me.

Once somebody had told me that it was good to write your feelings down. To get every last damn thing out of your system. At first I laughed and said that, that was totally not the way to help me. I always thought that journals where a place that you wrote about who you liked and how somebody was better than somebody else. Something along the lines of: 'Today I was looking at Mike and he like totally looked at me. And I thought I was going to melt from his cute eyes looking into mine.'

But for me they became a place of escape. A way that I could write how my day was. But instead of acting like it was just a book. I wrote in it like it was a very close friend that always listened to me as I poured my heart into it. With my journal I never felt odd or out of place. There has always be a sense of comfort in writing in it.

Mrs.CoBet always thought it was strange that I chose a book over their wonderful compony. But in all actuality I think I'd choose my journal over most people. Mainly because it's always been there when I need to talk about something I just couldn't hold in.

But anyway back to what I was saying. This kind and loving couple died because they new something they weren't meant to know. I don't know what they new but it was enough for some big fat ugly man to kill them. He had said something about how humans were a disgrace to his master. Whatever the actual fuck that had meant.

If you where to ask me about that night outside of my thoughts I'd tell you nothing. If you asked if I had cried I'd still tell you nothing. I just wouldn't talk about it. What I feel about that moment was meant only for me. That was a private moment between me and myself.

But with them dead I don't have to pretend that we were the perfect family. Now that their gone I'm to move away from the city to a little town. It's not really something that I want to do, but I can't stay in the past forever.

I don't remember a time of not living in Boston. It's the only place I've ever had to call home. Even if the CoBet's said that I had moved around a lot with the woman I was with at first. There's just no memoirs of my ever living with anybody other that the CoBets. But now I'm off to live in Mystic Falls.

I don't know why but in their will they gave me a house. Apparently they had lived in Mystic Falls for quite some time and then they decided it was time for a change. So they packed up and moved to Boston. They could have sold the house there but I guess they never got around to it and just decided it best to leave it to me.

At first I was reluctant to move to Mystic Falls but then I decided I needed a new start. To live somewhere where nobody new me or my story. A place to really get over never fitting in.

As I'm packing my bags the door bell rings. I don't get why people don't just knock anymore. Because if I'm being completely honest I hate that stupid door bell. It annoys the ever living day-lights out of me. As I reach for the door I get this feeling that I shouldn't open it.

Like whoever or whatever is behind the wooden door should stay there on that side. But I ignored that feeling and opened the door anyway. When the door was opened fully I saw a man that was maybe in his thirties. He had short blonde hair and was only a few inches taller than me. He also had light blue eyes. and on his hand he wore a hand brace type thing.

"Hello Katherine. I'm here to tell you to stay away from Elena. You've ruined her life enough as it is." He snapped with a look of disgust on his face.

"Um...You have the wrong person. My name is Hunter Petrova. And I don't know any Katherine or Elena. And I also don't have the slittiest idea who you are." I don't like this strange man. He should leave before I call the cops.

"It's me Jonathan Gilbert. You tried to kill me because your evil and a bitch." He provided. But all he did was manage to creep me out. Why was he here.

"What do you want from me!?" I shouted. Tempted to slam the door in his face and run up to my room and lock myself in there while calling the cops on this crazy man.

"What I really want is for you to turn yourself into Nicklaus and convince him not to use Elena in the ceremony." He said in a duh tone.

"If I do this will you leave me the hell alone?" At this rate I'd do anything to get him to leave me alone.

"Yes, but you'd have to come with me. Go get your stuff because we're going back to Mystic Falls Katharine."

Great the CoBets have arranged for me to move to a place with crazy people. It couldn't get any better than this.

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