Chapter 5

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[Ayumi's POV]

As I get onto my unit, I look and around and realized that I only had a few things to pack. Thank God for it. I decided to lay down first and start to think about what should I do first, but I felt a soft purr starting to struggle to fit herself into my arms.

Me: "I'm home, Kana."


Me: "We're moving tomorrow, I wonder if you will like our new home and... I also wonder if he will accept you"


Me: "But don't worry, mommy will protect you okay.... so I guess shall we start packing out things now"


As I get up on the bed, I received a face time call from my brother ahh or should I say from my older siblings.

Tetsuro: "So what's the important 'thing' you need to talk about our princess? I ask Satsu to join us here too."

Satsuya: "The more the better" *chuckles*

Me: "Oh shit. Shall start digging my grave first?"

Tetsuro: "Why did you create trouble last night?"

Satsuya: "I heard you met Sakusa there, in fact, you'll start working with him next week." - she give me a smirk.

Me: "Speaking of the devil.. anyways can please promise me you'll not get mad at me"

Tetsuro: "Since when did we get mad at you?"

Me: "I know you too will be disappointed but please let me speak out about everything first okay"

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