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Y/n - your name
L/n - last name
F/f - favorite food
🍎 - Andy
🐕 - Margaret
🐟 - Felix
🌒 - Melody
🕖 - Clause
👤- you

It was morning and it wasn't the best time to wake up but you got ready for the day to begin, as you got ready you grabbed your keys and began to head out, after a few minutes, you find yourself in a farm. You didn't really understand what it was doing here or how it was here in the first place.

But you decided to ignore it so you found a picnic table [there was four] so you decided to sit at one, you took out your headphones and begin listening to music

(your music you can play in the background)
You sat there for a little bit just looking up into the sky and you were Amazed by the clouds by the colors that were above you, you never really noticed about it, you never really went outside either. But it was beautiful but then in the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of a fish, clock, dog

[im not sure what Margaret is but I'll say she is a dog if you think she is something else be my guest]

and a moon. But they had something in their hand you squinted on what they had, and they were keys, you thought it was no big deal, but there was something off about it. So then they walked up to the barn and threw them in there but you heard nothing, so the fish placed the keys in the his pocket, and you saw with your own eyes, after they were done they began eating fruits but the one with a clock as a head was eating an apple, you thought to yourself,

👤💭 - I should've brought something to eat, I'm sorta hungry

After a couple of minutes later, and apple came by, you decided to hear their conversation for a little so you moved one side of your headphone

🍎    🕖                           👤
🐟■■■■  🌒                ■■■■
      ■■■■   🐕                ■■■■

🍎 - hey fellas, what's up!
🐟 - oh hi Andy were just having a picnic here, care to join us?
🍎 - of course I would!
🕖🌒🐕 - Hi Andy / heya Andy
🍎 - Heya feilx, Margaret, melody,  claus. So what are you all up to today?
🕖 - oh we're just eating right now, care for an apple?
🍎 - ...
🐕 - ...
🐟 - ...
🌒 - ...

You just couldn't believe what that clock guy just said and plus he is an apple, that was very offensive. Personally you wouldn't take that, but you decided to listen some more but you put your head down pretending you were asleep

🌒 - hey! After we eat we should play some games! Hey Andy do you want to play with us?
🍎 - of course I would!
🐕 - perfect! Each of us have a bonus sticker! Collect all of our bonus stickers and we'll give you a prize!
🍎 - oh wow! What's the prize?
🕖 - that would break the surprise would it not?
🍎 - oh yeah, I guess you are right-
🐟 - *whisperers it loud* it's the keys to your house

You heard the keys but what keys maybe the keys that the fish had, but there has to be an opportunity to grab those keys especially the barn, that barn dosen't seem confident, so you will have to try to grab the keys and some point and hand them to the apple they call Andy but it will have to be some other time not now

🍎 - y-you took the keys to my house-
🌒 - hehe! yeah we did
🍎 - b-but why would you do tha-
🐟 -  you gotta get all the bonus stickers to get it back!
🐕 - yeah dont fret! This'll be fun!
🍎 - w-well if you say so, let's go play some games!

Andy x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang