Luke & Daisy Meeting

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A/N for you Wattpad readers: This one is based off of a headcanon that started up in Rosy's Discord server; being of Luke & Daisy being step siblings!

Luke POV

I softly kicked my legs on the couch, happily watching the cartoons that were on the TV. It was nothing special, just a normal Saturday morning. Well.. almost normal. I could hear my mother.. Humming in the kitchen. She's been in a good mood lately, this was unusual as she hadn't been happy ever since dad died when I was really little.

Not that seeing her happy was a bad thing though! Since her being happy always got me in a good mood. I continued to watch my cartoons, tapping my hands against my legs creating a small rhythm. Not too long later my mom walked out of the kitchen and sat next to me. She was quiet for a little while before finally speaking up.

"So.. Luke." She started, turning to face me. I looked over at her and tilted my head, still kicking my legs. "I've been.. Meaning to talk to you about something." She had a faraway look on her face, with a soft smile spread on it. I mindlessly smiled back at her.

"Mhm?" I inquired, the bright smile still on my face. She let out a soft yet awkward chuckle.

"Well.. How would you feel if Mama was seeing someone who.. Is much different than Dad was?" She asked, not fully seeming like she knew how to explain. I looked at her with curiosity gleaming in my eyes.

"How so?" I tilted my head again, not able to wrap my head around what she was trying to imply. She turned away from me and closed her eyes, thinking of how else to explain it for a moment.

"I guess- they're more like Mama, you see." More like-? "And I bring it up because we're hoping to make it official. But, she also has a daughter, around your age. And we don't want to go too far with this until we all get to meet each other and get along." I was quiet for a moment, trying to process everything my mother had just told me. My mom pulled her phone out and started scrolling, probably looking for something.

She turned her phone to me, showing a picture of a lady and her daughter. The child looked young, definitely my age. They were both pretty, with icy blue eyes and short white hair. My mother pointed to the lady.

"This is Ellen, she's who I've been seeing lately." She pointed to the child. "And this is her daughter, Daisy."


"Mama, when are they coming?" I asked, looking up at her with pleading eyes. We were at a local café, it was a little after noon and it wasn't quite busy yet. The walls were bright and the smell of coffee and baked goods was strong. There were windows all around the building, filling it with light.

"They'll be here soon. Have some patience Luke." My mother softly chuckled, ruffling my hair. My mother and Ms. Ellen had planned to meet up today, bringing Daisy and me along so we could meet. Of course I was nervous to meet them, but at the same time, I love meeting new people! Plus, Mama seemed so much more happy lately; I wanted to make these people feel welcome in my life to make up for it.

"Is that them?" I asked excitedly, pointing to two people walking into the café. One was a little girl, shyly hiding behind her mother's leg, and the mother was searching the room. Mama's face lit up when she saw who I was pointing to, and the lady seemed the same when she saw my mother. The two quickly made their way over to us and the lady hugged my mother.

"Scarlett! It's so good to see you!" She smiled, fixing the glasses she wore once she let go of my mother. She then turned to her daughter, "Daisy, this is Scarlett; the one I've been telling you so much about." The girl-Daisy-looked nervous as she shyly waved at my mother. I waved at the girl too.

"I'm Luke!" I smiled, deciding to be the one to introduce myself to the two. The lady-Ellen?-looked down at me and smiled.

"So this is the Luke I've been hearing so much about?" She asked, reaching over to tousle my hair. I giggled and gave her a bright smile. My mom let out a small laugh.

Daisy was sitting quietly. She had a peachy colored sundress on that she was holding the skirt of tightly. She seemed rather shy, so I moved my chair to sit next to her.

"Hi!" I smiled. Her crystal blue eyes widened in surprise at my voice. She turned to face me, trying to put a smile on her face. I noticed she was picking at her fingers a bit. "It's okay! I don't bite!" I tried to give her the most reassuring smile I could. The grip she had on her dress loosened a little and hesitantly smiled back on me. "Your name is Daisy, right?" I asked, tilting my head a little.

"Oh, y-yeah.." She stammered a little, nervousness grabbing hold of her voice. Even though it was nervous, her voice was high pitched and sweet. Almost melodic. I smiled at her, and I could tell she was starting to tense a little less. "Luke.. r-right?" She asked after a moment.

"Mhm!" I nodded. "Luke Peterson! At your service!" I did my best to give a courteous bow, even though I had been sitting in a chair. She let out a small giggle and I smiled triumphantly.

"You're.. Really nice." She whispered, probably to herself. I tilted my head, a curious expression going over my face. She turned over to her mother, who was just happily chatting with Mama. "H-Hey mom?" She asked, her mother looked over at us, a confused expression on her face.

"What is it Honey?" She asked, Daisy gave her a nervous smile. She started fidgeting with her fingers a bit.

"Well u-uhm.. I was wondering i-if Luke and I could go play at the park across the street?" I felt my heart practically flutter, I was glad she trusted me enough to want to play. I turned and gave Mama and Daisy's mom a smile, trying to give them the most convincing facial expression I could.

Our parents were quiet for a moment, before turning to each other and discussing it. "Oh.. alright." Mama turned to us, nodding. "Just give us a few minutes to finish our coffee, alright?" I turned to Daisy, who had a happy expression on her face.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, softly clapping her hands together. "This is gonna be a lot of fun!"

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