“I did have a fling but I ended it a while back. I didn’t want it complicating my life. There is also this guy I kissed. His life is complicated and he just got out of a serious relationship. So I know that getting together with him would mean that I am making myself a rebound and I don’t want that. I guess what I am trying to say is that I am still as single as always.” She chortles.

“Settle down in your new job and get the hang of it. Once you are used to it, then you can ready yourself mentally and physically for a relationship. I know how overwhelming a new job can be. Anyways, back to me. I know you have heard about me dating or sleeping with the director of the company I work for.” I giggle.

“You are such a bad liar. So, his wife died about 9 months ago. There was no love lost there. So after mourning for about 3 months, he asked me to marry him. I haven’t said yes but we are still dating. I said I will talk to my family first before getting back to him. I know it’s wrong to not answer him for months but I am a bit skeptical. He is 42 and his age is not an issue. The issue is he has 4 kids. The first one is 23 year old. He also doesn’t want me working once we get married. I get an allowance of 2 million Naira every month but he said it will increase to 5 million once we are married. I love him, little sis, I do. But there is something holding me back. Maybe it’s the kids. Maybe it’s because he has too much money and I kind of feel intimidated. Maybe it’s because I won’t feel comfortable sitting at home and being a housewife. I wanna work and I wanna climb the corporate ladder and be a CEO one day but I wanna do all that by myself without his connections.” I sigh. This is actually the first heart to heart conversation I have had with Udoa and as weird as it sounds, I feel more connected to her now that she has shared something like this with me.

“You should have a real conversation with him and tell him your fears, your wishes and goals. If he really loves you, he will let you do what you really wanna do because your happiness will mean the world to him. Communication is always one of the keys to keeping a relationship strong.”

“That’s awesome. Maybe you can tell him that.” I chuckle. She hates confrontations.
“We will Skype maybe tomorrow after school.”
“No, we are coming to Johannesburg this evening. We are staying at one of his houses in Blair Atholl Golf Estate. I will ask one of his drivers to come pick you up.” I frown.
“Just how rich is your man?” she giggles.

“He is a billionaire. Not in Nigeria but in Britain. So you can imagine how much money he has. I don’t even know his net worth. I never want to know it because money is the root of all evil.”
“So you didn’t tell me that you’re in South Africa?” she laughs.

“Don’t be petty. I am telling you now. We are here for his daughter’s graduation. She was studying at Wits and she is graduating on Wednesday. The kids are a bit fond of me because we got acquainted before their mother died.”
“Wow, okay. I guess I will see you later then, Mrs… wait, what’s his surname or name even?” she cracks up.

“Gosh, you are not a noisy sibling. Kosisochukwu even calls him by his name. He is Abaeze Eesuola.” His name is really familiar. “Anyways I will see you in a few hours. Bye sis.” She hangs up quickly leaving me a bit confused.

That’s a new Udoa. She is free spirited and easy going. I guess we have Mr. Eesuola to thank. I quickly call Kosiso and she also confirms that there is a huge change in Udoa’s attitude. She was even cleaning the yard and cooking for the whole family. Of course she spoiled them by buying them gifts and all. But she was kinder and calmer. Maybe she is preparing herself for the wife role unconsciously. I also tell Nneka about Udoa and she says she will call her and we will have a reunion on Thursdays since she will be arriving on Wednesday night. Wow, I didn’t even realize that the time for her visit has arrived. I wonder if Udoa will still be around on Thursday.

I get dressed in a burgundy exaggerated ruffle plunging split hem dress and tie leg suede chunky heeled sandals. I am going to one of the most expensive suburbs in Joburg. I have to at least look like I am not a burglar. I put on a curly wig and some light make-up before heading out. On the foyer, I bump into a pretty white lady wearing shorts, a tank top and flip flops.

“Ow hey. You’re the new tenant from the fourth floor.” I smile at her.
“Yes, I am.”
“I am Quinn. I live in the fifth floor.”
“I am Chizoba but you can call me Chichi.” She smiles.

“We should hang out sometimes. Maybe over coffee when you’re not busy. I am at 501 and I knock off at work at 4 pm. I don’t work on weekends.”
“Me too. I guess we will hang out then.”
“You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you.” We exchange numbers and then go our separate ways. I find the chauffer already waiting for me.

“Miss Gwendaline.” He does a slight bow of his head before opening the back door.

“Thank you.” I carefully slide in and he closes it after me. Udoa has put me on a tight spot here. How the hell am I going to advice two grown adults on how to face their challenges? These people can afford therapy, they don’t need me. but when a sibling ask for help, even if it’s relationship advice, you have to pull through and that’s exactly what I am doing right now.

The Arrogant Jerk Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant