Childhood Friendship

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"Father! Where are you?!"

Lilia watched as Silver walked through the halls with his dragon plush in his arms. He twiddled with his fingers as he looked for his dad. Lilia was hanging from the roof, preparing to scare him.


Lilia giggled and swung down from the roof. "Boo!"

"WAH!!!" Silver fell back and breathed heavily. Lilia laughed and dropped down in front of him. He bent down to look Silver in the eyes.

"Did I scare you?" Silver nodded, tears forming in his eyes. He hid his face behind his toy and shivered. "Aww, poor baby. I apologize. Don't be sad, ok?"

Silver looked up as Lilia handed something to him; it was a piece of candy. The little boy took the candy in his hand and unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth. He jumped up and hugged Lilia tightly. "Thanks Father!"

"Anything for you, Silver," Lilia replied.

A familiar presence came from behind them. Silver opened his eyes and buried his face into Lilia's chest.

"Hello, Lilia."

Malleus stood behind Lilia, his arms folded. Lilia turned to him and smiled. "Well hello there Malleus. Have you said hi to Silver yet?"

Malleus shook his head and bent down. He pat Silver on the head. "Hello there, child. How are you?"

Silver didn't respond. Lilia laughed and brushed Silver's hair back. "That's no way to act, Silver. Say hi to Malleus. He's like your brother."

Silver looked up at Malleus and gave a tiny wave. Malleus cracked a small smile and stood back up. "My father says you may take leave for a while. Please go spend time with Silver."

"Oh, but you're like my child too! Do you not want to come as well?"

Malleus considered this for a moment. "Very well. I shall accompany you for the time."

Lilia smiled and hauled Silver into his arms. The little boy held his plush tightly as Lilia and Malleus made their way towards the forest far from the palace.


Lilia set Silver down in the grass and looked him in the eyes. "Don't go too far, ok? It's almost dinner time."

"Ok father. I'll be back!" Silver turned and left to go downhill towards a small river. Lilia and Malleus looked at each other and sat down on the broken log just behind them.


Silver sat at the edge of the river and put his hand in the gentle water. Little white flowers blossomed near his feet. Minnows jumped out the water and splashed him. Silver looked to the side and grabbed a small stick. He began tracing little shapes in the mud near the river bank.


Silver could hear someone yelling from across the river. He got up and looked around, frightened. "Hello?"

The yelling continued, and a figure suddenly leapt out the brush across the way. Silver gasped and fell on his behind.

Another little boy had jumped out, and he held a large stick in his hands. He kept yelling and hitting the nearby foliage. Silver didn't like seeing the plants get destroyed.

"H-hey! Stop hitting the flowers! They're getting smushed!"

The other little boy turned to Silver. He paused for a second before laughing. "Stop being a sissy! In battle, a knight can't worry about silly little things like flowers! You DO know that right?"

Silver hadn't expected him to respond. He started stammering. "W-well y-yea, but still!"

"Do you not know how to use a sword? What kinda kid are you? Go get a branch and fight me!"


"Faes can't be wimps! C'mon!"

"Faes? Are you a fae? I'm a human."

The other boy gasped. "A HUMAN?!" he yelled. "How're you surviving in this forest?! My mommy is a fae, and that makes me one too! Who're YOUR parents?"

"M-my father is named Lilia. Lilia Vanrouge."

The boy stopped. "THE Lilia Vanrouge?! One of the greatest war generals EVER?!" He laughed. "That's silly! How could a fae like him have a human son?!"

"I-I was adopted," Silver said, holding his plush close to him. "And s-so what? He loves me, and I love him!"

"Love can't help in war! When I'm older, I'm gonna guard Prince Malleus ALL by myself, or my name isn't Sebek Zigvolt!"

"Sebek is your name? I'm Silver," Silver replied.

"Silver what?"

"J-just Silver."

"Well, just Silver! I want you to train with me!" Sebek announced. He grabbed a large branch off a bush and handed it to him. "C'mon! Let's battle!"

Silver, not knowing what to do, grabbed the branch and put his plushy down. Sebek ran at him and yelled "ENGARDE!"


For a while, the two boys played together until they collapsed on the grass.

"That was fun!" Silver said. He reached over and grabbed his plush dragon, snuggling with it. Sebek giggled and stretched his arms.

"You've got a ways to go, but you're fun to play with! Wanna play again tomorrow?"

"Yea! I'll tell my father I wanna come play! I wanna be a knight too!" Silver said.


Lilia and Malleus had been watching the two boys from a distance. Lilia smiled and looked up at Malleus.

"I'm going to train them."

"Both of the children?" Malleus asked.

Lilia thought for a minute. "Why not? I'll talk to the boy's parents first. But y'know what? I'm happy that Silver..."

Silver and Sebek had gotten back up to continue playing. Lilia smiled.

"Finally made a friend."

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